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    Rahim was holding his child in the back with silent tears rolling down their faces, whilst I couldn’t shed a single tear, even for my brother or son as they were about to leave my world.

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    My Best Friend

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    It's kind of weird how one day you can be so happy that you feel like nothing could ever bring you down, and the next day you feel so depressed that you don't want to come out of your room. That's the way it was for me. One day I was playing basketball and going to youth group, the next I was laying in my room feeling sick. It was all because of one simple sentence that my friend had said to me. That sentence was the hardest thing that I had ever heard in my entire life. It was the words “I

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    Persuasive Essay Outline

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    A Life Changing Journey One of the most life changing experiences that the human race can encounter is the five stages of grief. Oskar Schell, the main character in the film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, experiences each of these stages after his dad’s sudden death in the World Trade Center. Thomas Schell’s tragic passing sent Oskar on a journey through denial, depression, anger, bargaining, and finally acceptance. The very first stage that Oskar experiences in the film is denial. Denial

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    Short Story

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    “You can’t dress yourself?” the housemaid asked, her expression flickered between shock and amusement. “What don’t you understand by that?” I responded. “I told you, my Ayah always did.” “Well, it’s time you learn for yourself.” she said rudely. “It’s different in India,” I said, gritting my teeth in vexation. This servant thought she could just say anything she wished! In India, no servant would’ve dared talk back to their betters; I was always above them, she just didn’t understand. “that’s

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  • Decent Essays

    chooses a mask from their “drawer”. By this I mean we wake up and choose which mood were going to show the world. “We wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes” (Dunbar 906 lines 1-2). We wear the mask to hide the tears that fall from our eyes and roll down our cheeks. We put on a grin to make people think we are okay, but in reality it is a lie because we are broken inside. The mask could also be the frase “I am fine”. From an African American from the nineteenth

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  • Decent Essays

    “ Hey, McKenna do you want to see my toy that I just created?” I replied with a yes of course I would. My grandpa showed me the toy that he created with his hands. One time I thought he was watching T.V. and was laughing at that, but I was wrong. He was putting candy corn in his teeth acting like he was a vampire. I went running down the stairs to find out what was the matter, and that is what I found him doing. I laughed so hard that I don’t think I have laughed that hard in a long time. My grandpa

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    “It’s not me, it’s Jonathan. I think he’s really sick,” I say, tears coming to my eyes. I follow them as they make their way to Jonathan’s room. That’s when I hear my mother gasp and rush to his side. I quickly notice that his condition was worse than before and his skin was so hot it was turning red. My Father hurried

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  • Decent Essays

    My Grandmother

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    Digital Story of My Grandmother Who doesn’t love a close relative? Imagine what it is like to be alone, without a supportive family member. Just like John Lennon’s song, Imagine. Think about what family can do to you, and how they impact your life. Especially, a grandmother. My grandma Pauline, was literally my world. I loved her so much, and still do. I used to walk to her house almost every weekend. She knew everything about me. She always had a salver, filled with my favorite confectionary

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  • Decent Essays

    A Short Story : A Story?

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    Starring down toward the cracked wooden table, Ellen starts to cry. Knowing deep down that everything that has occurred is her fault. It's too late at this point, it's too far gone. As each tear tumbles down her powdered, rosy, cheeks she hugs herself tighter and tighter. This provides her with some sort of comfort, the kind of comfort she deprived her daughter of. Every night as Ellen lay in bed she remembers, she remembers what she could've done. “Jamie honey I'm home, where's Dad?… Jamie?” As

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The dark sky is illuminated by the faint outline of the clouds. Just enough light to see the bright glowing ring of the humanoids as you pass; but not enough to see the white shiny exterior that would normally reflect the dashboard lights. Driving home from work, Bruce Hampton, one of the world's leading physicists in mechanical engineering. At home, a wall full of shiny medals and certificates enclosed in a wooden display cabinet. He is incharge of a company called VisTec who specialize in designing

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    Decent Essays