Challenges and Opportunities of Supply Chain Security in US Charan Rahul Varma Dandu Purdue University Calumet Introduction The U.S. supply chain industry is growing every year by a great extent. With the rapidly rising market for technological products and components, comes into play the security challenges involved with them. Out of all the major cybersecurity challenges facing U.S. is the threat posed by the vulnerabilities in the cyber supply chain. A technological product include many components
about a supply chain security to manage issues in logistic such as cargo theft and pilferage, ORC (organized retail crime), leakage and fictitious, and damage items. In business supply chain security is significantly important because the process to bring the merchandise from the manufacturer to the store might not being too smooth as expected due to high risk of disruption of supply network. The causes and effects from the issues have identified to understand why we need security of supply chain. According
An improper pharmaceutical product entering the business is not a new issue or concern, but the new mandates appear to be increasing the amount of attention needed to protect the public. The Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), which composes Title II of the Drug Quality and Security Act, had made changes to Section 582 of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The amendment to the section now mandates that all manufacturers of pharmaceutical goods, distributors, those who repackage the products
This has been occasioned by the globalization trends. According to McNaught (2005), international maritime security is a matter of critical concern in the global environment. Sea transport remains one of the largest and most effective means of transport used between continents. This paper provides a critique of the article “Improving the security of containers in port related supply chains” by Johan Scholliers, Antti Permala, Sirra Toivonen, and Hannu Salmela. The article has an implied research
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Global Supply chain and transportation is a major backbone in the global economy in North America. A secured Supply chain can be referred to as the efforts to enhance the security of the supply chain, transport and logistics system for the world's cargo. There are various threats such as terrorism, piracy, and theft. Railway transportation occupies an important role in the transport system of North America, industries and global trading because the development of trade, industry
Running head: VALUE CHAIN ISSUES Issues and Trends in the Global Value Chain Darryn Urueta University of Phoenix ISCOM 383 Pamela Harris December 5, 2011 Issues and Trends in the Global Value Chain Global trends are changing on a seemingly daily basis. Global economies are weakening and some companies are discouraged by the condition of terror threats that are occurring. These threats are changing the spending behavior of the average customer. Not only is the customer not purchasing
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and its many partners across the federal government, public and private organizations, and communities across the country have worked since 9/11 to build a new homeland security enterprise to better decrease and defend against dynamic threats, minimize risks, and maximize the ability to respond and recover from attacks and disasters. In the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, many trade associations developed or enhanced security operations to deal with
Why is a supply chain important for businesses? Supply chain is a chain of interconnected links that facilitates the movement of supplies, materials, products, and so on (Arway, 2013, pp.3). Supply chain management has become the critical backbone to businesses today (Management Study Guide, 2013). The reason comes from the fact that effective market coverage and availability of products at market locations depends on the effectiveness of supply chain management. Any fault in product not being available
GAMP standards. Project Goal This project seeks to provide a snapshot of the drugs supply chain within various acute care centers in the United States. Investigating and reporting the paths that drugs take from their delivery to the acute care center through the administration to the patients helps the organization in tracking the final part of drugs’ movement chain. By tracing this end of the movement chain, the project complements the overall traceability initiative by the organization. This
environment bought awareness to the supply chain management after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. These events exposed the pre-existing and unseen risk of disruption to supply networks from terrorist attacks. The risk was there all along but the attacks made it real and foremost in our minds. Additionally, these events began to expose the more significant interdependence that exists between all firms in the supply network. The interdependence