Strange Music

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    August 21, 1904 and went from a little boy in Red Bank, New Jersey to becoming a renowned jazz musician who made many contributions to music and inspired millions. He was responsible for developing swing jazz and earned many Grammy Awards. He is most known for the song "One O'Clock Swing." From an early age, he avidly studied music. Basie began by studying music with his mother, which would lay the foundation for the rest of his life. When Basie arrived in Harlem, he was personally taught by musical

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    and the boring of the bell joint was about the same as a trumpet’s boring. What the Sackbut was used for originally is unknown but scientists believe that it was used for accompanying church music. Scientists haven’t found any pieces written for the Sackbut so, they believe that the players played off the music not meant for the instrument. Eventually the Sackbut evolved into what it is today because it was

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    Aaron Copland was an American composer that wrote music for ballets, films, and symphonies. His music contained ties to folk, Latin American, and jazz genres such as his songs El Salon Mexico and Fanfare for the Common Man. As a composer, he also won many awards. Aaron Copland got his start in music when his sister began to teach him piano. Further into his career, he began to study abroad in France with Nadia Boulanger. During the 1920’s he came back to the United States to write a concerto for

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    Calgary musician Krzysztof Sujata’s Valiska project makes music that toes the line between ambient and drone - often relying on peaceful soundscapes dotted with piano to set a framework, then occasionally building to a towering crescendo with a web of static. It’s all very naturally motivated, though - fittingly for its album art, Repetitions is sparsely organic, with plenty of room to breathe chilly and cozy breaths. It’s a record that challenges you to take much from very little - over 40 minutes

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    the composer who changed music more than any other composer, the sound of music and what the other composers that were to come after him thought. He wrote nine symphonies, five piano concertos, an opera and many pieces of chamber music that jolted music right out of itself. (Landon) Beethoven changed music by creating a new era called Romanticism, influencing the other composers and changing the old methods by adding a special twist. The first way that Beethoven changed music was by creating romanticism

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    masses young and old alike with “the art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions” (Harper), music. It can be overwhelmingly powerful or loud and angry, it can also be peaceful and harmonic. Music even without lyrics can evoke any emotion. Try watching a movie without the film's score. Profoundly different experience, is it not? Music by definition is an expression of an artist views. Music has been used throughout time to express undying love, devastating heart break, religious devotion

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    Hurdy Research Paper

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    Deborah Wu Early Musical Instrument Project: Hurdy-Gurdy Music has been a part of human society for thousands of years, and in each time period, music has been an integral part of culture. During the Middle Ages, numerous instruments were created for the art of music making. One of these instruments is called the hurdy-gurdy. Despite its strange name, this instrument has stood the test of time and still attracts the attention of music-lovers today (Baines, Bowles, & Green, 2001). The first known

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    "Infinite Ascent" by Erik Morales, "Allegro moderato" by Carl Nielsen, "Andante and Hungarian Rondo, Op.35" by Carl Weber, "Allegro con spirito" by Johann Hummel, and "Symphonic Metamorphosis" by Paul Hindemith. It was truly fascinating to experience the music from many famous composers of many different periods of time. I had high expectations for this concert because the Kennesaw State Symphony Orchestra is a really talented group of musicians and the previous concert I attended here on campus, performed

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    Music plays an important role in a films experience. It is significant in films because it sets the tone as well as enhances the film in many different aspects. It is meant to engage the audience and evoke emotion from them. The Dark Knight is arguably the best movie within the Batman Trilogy by Christopher Nolan. Simply put the film is just epic. Yes the action is great and the late Heath Ledger’s portrayal of The Joker is superb, but it’s the film’s original score from Hans Zimmer and James Newton

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    The Significance of Sound and Music in The Tempest ‘The Tempest’ is on a basic level a play about a magical island, complete with its own wizard, monster and handsome prince. However, it is much more than a fairytale. Complex themes such as usurpation, colonialism and the supernatural are interwoven into the plot to produce a play so diverse that it is widely considered to be one of Shakespeare’s finest works. Music and sound are dramatically significant in this diversity

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