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  • Decent Essays

    For my performance analysis, I observed a few choirs at the District 1 contest. These groups varied greatly in skill level and experience, but most of them were younger and less experienced choirs. The first group I observed was a smaller men’s chorus. This group reminded me of when I used to sing in our Men’s Chorus. The group consisted of about 17 guys, most of whom seemed like less experienced singers. Their sound seemed to back this up. They all seemed to really enjoy doing what they did, and

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Latino Neighborhoods

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    As the civil war in El Salvador carried on from 1980 through 1992, thousands migrated into the United States in search of better living conditions. Many of the Salvadorian families established themselves amongst Latino Neighborhoods, especially in the Los Angeles area. Salvadorians were essentially at the bottom of the food chain were they found discrimination and the struggle of being in a foreign country. As a result, they created gangs as self defense groups for the Latino community, many used

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    another team in place. But the interesting question is, what is Oliver going to do about Felicity? Undoubtedly, Arrow season 5 brings Oliver and Felicity in the friend zone. Previously, Stephen Amell, who plays Oliver Queen, admits to Diggles (David Ramsey) that he is having a difficult time with Felicity. It appears he still has feelings for her. After all, it was Felicity who dumped him. But it looks like Felicity does not feel the same way? Because she might be getting a new boyfriend in the name

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    2016 Lexus

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    Dear santa, after research for the perfect car I would like the 2016 Lexus EH 300h for Christmas. I deserve the 2016 Lexus because I’ve been good this year. I’m a nice person and I work at a nursing home and care for the elderly people. I’m always giving things away to people also. I don’t do unruley things like some other teenagers do, so I believe deserve a car. After all my research, I’ve concluded that I want the 2016 Lexus 300h for Christmas. The 2016 Lexus seems to have the best features for

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The focus of health promotion and disease prevention is to keep people healthy. Health promotion is communicating to and educating individuals or communities regarding healthy behaviors. This in turn, this reduces the risk of developing chronic illness. Disease prevention focuses on ways to prevent chronic illnesses from developing. There are many factors that influence health promotion and disease prevention. There are behaviors that can be modified that puts one at risk, as well as socioeconomic

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    Confirmation is the Sacrament by which God strengthens an individual 's faith through the Holy Spirit. It sends Catholics out as witnesses of Jesus, and it seals their membership in the Catholic Church with the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (Ellis and Ramsey 2005). Catholics originally received these gifts at Baptism, and they unwrap them at Confirmation. Two gifts of the Holy Spirit that Catholics unwrap at Confirmation are fortitude and understanding. For instance, young Catholics can use fortitude

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Listening and Effective Workplace Communication James Humes, a former presidential speech writer, stated that, "the art of communication is the language of leadership" (Leading Thoughts, 2010). Communication is an essential process that is common in the workplace.  Everyone in the workplace especially leaders must communicate with others.  Ideas, conversations, disagreements, and commitments can all be exchanged through communication.  Anyone can communicate but it takes discipline and skills

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    Communication is the foundation of accomplishments for both animals and humans, functioning as a team to obtain a common goal. For those who enjoy football, have seen communication as it’s finest; while watching Peyton Manning break the huddle after giving the play only to see the defense is set up to stop the play. At this point he begins to audible alerting team members that the play called previously has changed. Peyton, was very successful during his playing days, considered to be one of the

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    Good Essays
  • Good Essays

    money, but will take it anyway and spend it on whatever they wish. What they do not realize is you have to eventually pay all it back all while having to pay interest on top of that. Two-thirds of college students graduate with student loan debt (Ramsey). I've personally thought about loans myself. Before I really did any research on it, I thought that was how I was going to pay for college, but then I realized it’s best to just pay out of pocket and get it taken care of up front. Having debt is

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    They can not only injure patrons of the circus like in the case of Troy Ramsey who was attacked by an elephant named Kenya, but they can injure themselves. http://articles.latimes.com/1994-10-11/news/mn-49101_1_captive-elephant A circus zebra named Lima escaped from his confines and was chased for 40 minutes before being captured

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    Decent Essays