Relationships can either be monogamous or non-monogamous in nature and its definitions and functions can vary. A monogamous relationship is traditionally characterised by two individuals who have dependent children or also as a ‘nuclear family.’ Monogamy is a hetero-normative practice that involves two individuals in a relationship; the couple is not engaged in extramarital intimacy. Nuclear families also fall under this practice. Polyamory is a non-monogamous practice that refers to multiple intimate
The term “polyamory,” to some, is a confusing word describing a lifestyle found to be even more baffling. However, polyamorous relationships are growing in popularity and have roots dating back hundreds of years. Polyamory is described as the “assumption that it is possible, valid, and worthwhile to maintain intimate sexual and/or loving relationships with more than one person simultaneously, without deception or betrayal” (Morrison, Beaulieu, Brockman, & Beaglaoich, 2013). Polyamorous relationships
Diversity In Families According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "A family consists of a domestic group of people (or a number of domestic groups), typically affiliated by birth or marriage, or by comparable legal relationships-including domestic partnership, adoption, surname and (in some cases) ownership. Although many people (including social scientists) have understood familial relationships in the terms of "blood", many anthropologists have argued that one must understand the notion of
Polygamy: Human Rights v. Canadian Constitution Collins Njoroge 200105390 Crim 335 - Human Rights and Civil Liberties Instructor: Danijel Ristic 24TH March, 2015 Cesar Chavez, an American civil rights activist and labor organizer, once stated that the “[p]reservation of one 's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures” (University of Florida, n.d., para. 14). This oft-quoted aphorism is particularly relevant in Canada, a multicultural country where certain cultural