Murari Sharma Hundreds of Nepalis protested against the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 12 November in front of the iconic British parliament, when he visited there. They shouted slogans against Modi and India, triggered by the allegedly Indian unofficial economic blockade of Nepal, after the new constitution of Nepal was promulgated on 20 September 2015. This mirrors the growing tension between Nepal and India, helping neither country. The new constitution -- which came after the Maoist
Volunteering in Nepal has honestly been a life-changing experience for me. Before the trip, not only did I have no knowledge regarding the lifestyle of the Nepali people, but I also did not completely understand the importance of being a volunteer and helping those who are less fortunate than I. However, during the course of two weeks, I personally experienced the customs and values of people in Kathmandu and was able to meet with and talk to several children in the city. Overall, this trip was not
The Ngarrindjeri nation arrays across the South East section of South Australia; as seen in Figure 1. Figure 1: Map of the Ngarrindjeri Nation (Horton, 1996) The Ngarrindjeri is an Aboriginal nation is made up of 18 tribes, extending 30km along the river Murray (slsa SA gov, 2012). Having been ushered to leave their land, the Ngarrindjeri people were greatly affected by white settlement. Culture within the Ngarrindjeri nation is central to water specifically being the Coorong and River Murray
When I was eleven years old, I was living in one of the small Bhutanese Refugee Camp called Goldhap located in Jhapa, Nepal. Life in the refugee camp was simple for me since I was only 11 years old. But for most adults including my parents, it was very challenging. Since they didn’t have their own land; they couldn’t eat whatever they wanted to like in Bhutan where they had large arable land for plantation. People in camp were not allowed to work outside of camp. But to provide for their family they
THE REFUGE There were, are, and will be the great title winner in this world. In those title, there were, are, and will be looser. This is funny to say that I was, I am, and and will be great title winner, where nobody loose but I the winner always win. You may think I am dumb and talk about I am being winner is dumbest thing I have ever talk. You can call me whatever you can because I was born with great title that few people in this world had, have, and will have. The title that might get
Languages may refer to the communication between individuals, but it also reveals the individuality of different geographic locations, the uniqueness of different cultures, and the history of different people. It contributes to the image of an ideal world, but the current situation diminishes the diversity of the people, thus moves them away from their ideal society: 97% of the world’s people speak 4% of the world’s languages while 96% of the world languages are spoken by 3% of the world’s people
in which Nepalese people are heard using bi/multi-lingual repertoire in their conversation at informal level. This is the case even before Nepal and its people were exposed to the outside world viz. the Hindi and the English languages in particular and other foreign languages in general. It is observed that people living in large city centres and small remote cities and villages are multilingual individuals in terms of the attributes active and passive communication as indicated by Wei (2010, p. 4)
Introduction Nepali belongs to the Indo-Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family and is closely related to Hindi. It began appearing (in an older form) in what is now Nepal around 300 C.E., when Hindu Indo-Aryans invaded the area from the south, displacing the Buddhist Kirantis. The now unified Nepal is made up of over one hundred ethnic groups, each with its own language and culture. Nepali is the national unifying language and is spoken by most Nepalis as a first or second language (O'Rourke
Observation #A Intent: My intent for this observation was to get a better look at my focus child’s communication and language skills. I want to see if my child is showing any indicators of atypical development. With this information I can find more effective ways to help improve her language and communication skills. Focus Child: BS – female, 4 years + 5 months, Caucasian, dark blonde hair, brown eyes, wearing glasses, wearing t-shirt, jeans, and boots, the same size as most of the peers in class
a new language Many people are unaware that there are more than six thousand languages in the world today. Imagine if a person could learn to read and write them all, picture the possibilities. It seems like an impossible feat, doesn’t it? Well you guessed it, it is. But it still remains a linguists’ dream to master as many languages as possible in a single lifetime. Language is one of the major systems of communication. So, is trying to learning to learn to write in a different language on a top