Matthew Stafford

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    Gospel of Matthew from Daniel Harrington’s commentary “The Gospel of Matthew”, This paper will explain the teachings of the “6 Antithesis” in chapter 5 verses 21-48, and the main point on “Jesus came not to abolish but to “fulfill” the Law and Prophets (Harrington 90).” This paper will also have Daniel Harrington interpretations of the writing of the gospel of Matthew. I believe that Jesus had a reason for his teachings and how he went forward to preach them to the congregation. In Matthew chapter

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    Some theological justifications of violence in relation to Jesus The contradictions that put into question this message of peace and nonviolence are numerical both in the words and deeds of Jesus. In Matthew chapter ten, he expounds “do not think that I have come to bring peace, but a sword. I came to set sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-laws; a man’s worst enemies will be the members

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    Position Paper 2: Jesus in the Gospel of John and Mark All of the Gospels describe the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, but each author illustrates the stories differently. Scholars believe Mark is the first Gospel written and is symbolized by a lion to denote Christ as powerful and fast-paced. The Book of John, understood to be the last gospel composed, is perceived as an eagle because the story differs greatly and is often more developed than the other Gospels. Comparing John 2 to the

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    Jesus Christ, during His earthly ministry, healed the sick (Matthew 8:5), cast out demons (Luke 4:33), raised the dead (Luke 8:41), fed the five thousand (Mark 6:30), walked on water (Matthew 14:26), and calmed a storm (Mark 4:37). Thus, Jesus performed miracles in order to establish that He was indeed incarnate of God, and in doing so, Jesus demonstrated power over the elements

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    There are many aspects of Jesus’ life that are very noticeable throughout the New Testament and the four gospels through recurring themes. Mark’s Gospel contains the most prominent of those themes. The main themes that our class has focused on, that seem the most important to Mark are secrecy, response, and food/eating. In Mark 8:22-10:52, he has a very strategic way of setting up the stories of Jesus’ life. Thought the reading of this section we mainly notice two of the three themes, those being

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    Servant leadership requires work, hard work, therefore it is not for the faint of heart. It requires a tremendous amount of self-awareness and defying the status quo. Addressing the Myths about Servant Leadership As with everything else, servant leadership isn’t without it’s naysayers. There are many myths in regards to this style of leadership. James Riley discloses the most prevalent myths concerning servant leadership are as follows: A servant-leader is a weak leader who “follows” the dictates

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    response to follow Jesus’ commands when people are converted to Christianity. The truth is, though, even long-time pastors and church leaders would struggle to answer that question with a resounding yes. The Great Commission is clearly spelled out in Matthew 28:19 where it says, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” This is where most people stop as they teach and preach, but the next verse is worthy to be considered

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    Introduction The story of the Gadarene demoniacs in Matthew 8:28-9:1 begins with the conclusion of another miracle. After calming a storm out at sea, Jesus disembarks in Gadara. He encounters two possessed men living in the tombs who are making it difficult for people to pass by. The men recognize Jesus as the Son of God and call out to him defensively. Before Jesus even acknowledges them, the demons ask to be sent to a heard of swine, if they are to be cast out. Jesus simply says “Go!” and the demons

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    Matthew Broderick, Neve Campbell, Jason Marsden, and Suzanne Pleshette. b)An advantage of hiring famous actors is that they help to promote the movie. Famous actors have huge fan followings of all ages, so the movie can appeal to all ages, not just children. A couple disadvantages of using famous actors is that they are expensive to hire, and sometimes the the actor doesn 't suit the character they are playing. An example of this could be Mathew Broderick as Simba. Matthew Broderick is

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    could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands. (Golding, 56)” Likewise, Christ often opened his heart to children, showing them love and compassion when others wouldn’t. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said “Let the children

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