Aldous Huxley once said “After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”, but what if all you can hear is silence? There are six billion people on this planet, and seventy million of them can’t hear a single note. Just because you can’t hear anything doesn’t mean you can’t share in the universal language that is music. People who have impaired hearing are just as capable as learning music as your average hearing person. “Hong Kong university of China discovered
challenges regarding the government’s financial and political interests coming before citizens’ rights. One of the most recent hazardous situations happened here in the U.S.A. The government failed to keep Flint’s population safe as evidenced by the poisoning of their water. Approximately 100,000 people live in Flint, Michigan according to the 2010 census (Wikipedia, 2016). It is the largest city and the County seat of Genesee County, Michigan, along the Flint River (Wikipedia, 2016). This city became
dirt, paint, metal, drywall, soap, buttons, clay, hair, sand, cigarette butts, glue, chalk, feces and ice. In the case of ice, no really damage is done to the body. Other materials such as metal, drywall, and paint could lead to really serious consequences such as lead poisoning in the case of metal. Pica is mostly commonly found in children and pregnant women. Pica can also occur in people who have mental disabilities. Schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder may have pica, since they use
The definition of Pica is a term that is refers to ingesting, cravings or argues of substances that are not foods items. Some of the most common items indigested by patients with pica are dirt, sand, clay, glue, ice, chalk, beeswax, hair, and laundry starch. The reason for patients having this cravings is because the patient is diagnosed with a nutritional deficiency state, such as iron-deficiency like anemia and a number of many other physiological disturbances in humans brains it have been associated
tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal."( One drug that caused addiction during the Renaissance Era was opium. Another cause of addiction during the Renaissance Era is the lead-based make-up. Lastly, alcoholism was another source of addiction that plagued the people of the Renaissance Era. This essay will be used to discuss how these addictions began, their probable outcome, health issues related to these addictions, and
needs to be contaminant free, so that you can avoid dealing with several health problems. Lead is one of the harmful contaminants that it is found in tap water these days. Here is how to recognize the symptoms of lead poisoning. Symptoms in newborns Newborns can definitely be highly affected if they are exposed to a water rich in lead. Furthermore, if during pregnacy, the mother consumes water that contains lead, the baby will deal with learning difficulties, and a very slow growth as well. Therefore
drinking water becomes contaminated, it becomes a serious health hazard. One of the most dangerous contaminates to human health is lead. Lead is considered a dangerous heavy metal contaminate. Lead in drinking water can have adverse effects on both children and adults (EPA). Approximately 18 million Americans are provided drinking water that violates the federal laws for lead levels (guardian). This means approximately 18 million adults and or children could be suffering from the dangerous effects. In
Interpersonal & Intrapersonal Dealing with lead exposure from water sources begins at the intrapersonal level. Individual knowledge is a significant factor for exposure when it comes to lead levels in water. For example, the USA Today article, “Lead taints drinking water in hundreds of schools, day cares across USA,” describes how in many cases, parents are not informed of lead levels in drinking water in schools until weeks or months after school officials are made aware of the danger (Ungar, 2016)
trying to pull themselves up from the lower class and the majority does not succeed. Childhood poverty is a large problem in the U.S. It is said that the poorest people in the United States are the children of the lower class. Childhood poverty could lead to a number of problems such as hunger, violence, physical and mental disabilities, educational problems, homelessness, family stress, sickness, and too-early parenthood. The sad truth is that
includes the consumption of nail polish, detergent, bleach, paint, and any other poisonous items. Examples of what can become of ingesting such items would be chemical poisoning, lead poisoning, or even death. Manifestations of infection or parasitic infestation comes from eating fecal matter which can contain various worms. This can lead to the body being invaded by these worms causing Toxocariasis and Ascariasis. Gastrointestinal manifestations are caused by consuming sand, soil, clay, hair, wood