Islamophobia Essay

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    socialization through the media, power distribution, religious ignorance, stereotyping and visible differences have contributed to the ill attitudes towards Muslims. This paper will examine how Americans have been socialized in islamophobia within the United States. Islamophobia is defined as the "unfounded hostility towards Muslims, and therefore fear or dislike of all or most Muslims." The first time

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    over just a terrorist attack that happened to be done by Muslims, so the hatred towards all Muslims was created because a couple of them committed a terrorist attack. Ever since September 11th, 2001, Muslims have lived in fear of Americans with 'Islamophobia'. If Islamophobic people can learn to accept the good Muslims, but recognize the bad ones, then we would live in a much

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    To give an brief introduction, I have chosen to write about social inequalities as a form of Islamophobia in America for my final paper. Social inequalities exist all around the world in the past and the present. Social inequalities can shape an individual or group to behave in a certain manner towards the ones being oppressed. Social inequalities in a well-developed nation still created hate crime (Kaplan, 2006). The motive why I have chosen the topic of racial social inequalities in America is

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    negative stereotypes has been widely accepted since the publication of Orientalism by Edward Said in the late 1970s. It is through this divide that the term Islamophobia was first seen as a distinct term after the 1997 publication of the report “Islamophobia: A Challenge for Us All” by the British Runnymede Trust (1997). Since then, the term Islamophobia has been widely used in a variety of context yet there is still no universal definition of the term, which allows the press, including the British newspapers

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    Third, the issue and event that I found in my preliminary research leads me to an insight of how Islamophobia is type of social inequality in America. The development the fear of Islamophobia was due to the act of nine eleven in America. This was a terrorist attack the took down and collapsed the Twin Towers. In which people in America began to develop detestation for Muslims individuals. This got huge media coverage and develop fear that ever one that follows Islam as a religion must be loathed

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    that marginalize Muslims in New York City, the primary structures are the unfair, political structure and modern and ignorant cultural structure. These structures promote islamophobia. Sinful, political structures are arguably the driving forces behind Islamophobia. Many politicians are being paid out to promote Islamophobia and the “us versus them” mentality. Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, was paid to bash the Islamic practice of Sharia, and say that it threatens

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    extremism that went from 36 to 53 percent, whereas in Europe, the average increase was 27 percent (Poushter, 2015). This exemplifies the idea of Islamophobia. To fully comprehend how attitudes toward the Islamic religion have changed in the past decade, one must consider the history of Islam, and the societal and cultural changes pertaining to Islam. Islamophobia is becoming a global matter, and one must be aware to understand religious conflicts, as it can immensely influence society. The religion of

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    ethnicity, under the guise that Islam is a religion and not a ‘race,’ it still follows that Islamophobia is racist. To recognize that Muslims experience racism, does not claim Muslims or Islam as a race, rather, it understands that ‘Muslim’ is an identity subject to racism. For example, non-Muslim ‘brown’ people from all over South and Central Asia as well as the MENA are constantly targets of Islamophobia since Islam is associated with race. For example, there have been many incidences of assault

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    The perpetrator, Omar Mateen is a Muslim. This incident are regarded as an act of terror which has enhance the islamophobia and resistance towards Muslims in America. However, the officials and governments and the community leaders have made a lot of effort to separate the extremist from regular Muslims, it cannot calm down the social islamophobia. In this selection, the Muslims and Islam become the frequent topics. In order to attract conservative voters and strike the democratic

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    thing.” The debate has been framed as a discussion about the nature of liberalism, but that is giving Maher’s comments far too much credence. The statement is a textbook definition of bigotry and testament to how entrenched Islamophobia has become. What is and what isn’t Islamophobia? The term is used to describe prejudice against, hatred towards, or fear of the religion of Islam or Muslims. It came into wide usage in 1997, upon the publication of a report by the Runnymede Trust, a nonprofit English

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