From an early age I used to read science books, journals, magazines and watch engineering documentaries driven by my eagerness to gain a better understanding of the mechanism by which our world system is working. I completed my Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering, the program was a blend of mathematics, operation management, lean manufacturing, quality control and engineering economics applications. All through my Bachelor program, I was attracted to the idea of developing a more effective technique
INTRODUCTION To get patients healthier faster in order to discharge them sooner is the basic requirement for healthcare facilities under great economic pressure to lower costs. The charting of patient data is viewed as the most tedious part of a clinician’s job. Handwritten data entry processes are haphazard, prone to transcription errors, and do not include a reliable means for time stamping and effect on medical decisions, and the resulting immense quantities of paper records are unacceptable
India and since a few years it has been the largest IT recruiter in India and therefore I wanted to study how TCS manages to acquire and recruit the largest number of Indian IT employees .I have focused my research mainly for the post of System Engineer. Also the distinct feature of TCS is that it has become the top recruiter for women
I also took electives to specialise in the areas like Finite Element Methods, Industrial Management and Control Engineering. In addition to this, I have trained myself in Design Software’s like CATIA, Solid Edge, PRO E, and Hyper
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference M. D. Rossetti, R. R. Hill, B. Johansson, A. Dunkin and R. G. Ingalls, eds. USING SIMULATION ANALYSIS FOR MINING PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Undram Chinbat Soemon Takakuwa Furo-cho, Nagoya University Chikusa-ku Graduate School of Economics and Business Administration, Nagoya University Nagoya, 464-8601, JAPAN ABSTRACT As a result of the current economic crisis, which led to metal prices fall, mining company managers have been encouraged to cut costs
List of Speakers 1. Mr Nazery Khalid Senior Fellow/Centre Head, Centre for Maritime Economics & Industries Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) 2. Ms Margaret Ang Researcher, Centre for Maritime Economics & Industries Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) 3. Mr Khamarudin Mansor Managing Director Kay Marine Sdn Bhd 4. Ir Hisham Haron General Manager, Marine Repair Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (MMHE) hisham@mmhe
of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In 1974, the Industrial Pollution Control and Prevention Law identified major metropolitan regions as environmentally critical which in turn made SEMA in charge of the zoning guidelines. A year later, additional legislation was passed to refine the state’s responsibilities in environmental management and enforcement by allowing city and state governments to regulate industrial and manufacturing operations. The following year, in 1976, the establishment
important career goal that a person must look into” I believe. Hence in order to unceasingly grow in my line of work and to serve the society in best possible way, I desire to pursue my graduate education in electrical. The fact that there are so many engineers in my family, had inspired me to take up electrical engineering. Right from childhood I was very engrossed in finding out alternative solutions to real life problems. Gradually, I started building interest in the logic behind the working
Deliverable Identify Stakeholders 3 References 6 Overview Summary of Deliverables Paper One (1) The project management has evolved into a profession, and knowledge about various field covered under PMBOK has become necessary to be a successful project engineer/manager. This research paper section covers the process and method involved to identify stakeholders. The stated importance is that it is critical for the success of the project that we follow proper guidelines to identify various stakeholders for
Place: Eco-Men Laboratory Pvt. Ltd, Lucknow Post: Environment Scientist Key Responsibilities: Environment Monitoring and Analysis (Air, Water, Soil,) Experiment design and analysis result, report preparation |Industrial and Research Experience: | 1. Place: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. Corporate Office, New Delhi Post: Trainee-S&EP, Duration: