an ESTJ would be an INFP, which according to 16 Personalities, (n.d.) only exists in 4% of the population. INFPs are purists and diplomatic with only the best of intentions and are not motivated by rewards or punishment. This personality type is very symbolic and intuitive and spawns many actors, writers and poets. INFPs tend to have a close circle of friends and being so virtuous might lead to them to isolation from others that cannot understand this idyllic motivation. INFPs will think on a higher
have found some consistencies in what I am interested in and how that reflects on my character. Three of my most defining character traits align with my INFP personality type and explain why I am interested in certain career paths. These character traits are principles, passion, and selflessness. According to the Myers-Briggs indicator, INFP personality types make choices based off of their principles and what they believe is right or wrong, rather than logic or emotion. I have found this to
Learning the Style Exploring more in-depth about my personality and learning abilities was honestly quite surprising. It’s probably based on the fact that we generalized somewhat false ideas about who we are or how we think we function. Trying to get a better insight about myself, I took several interpersonal surveys along with questionnaires that had many evolutional properties. Some I found too close to spot on, others not so much, and I am not really sure how I feel about the outcome. The first
Client basic demographics Client is a 52 year-old female. Client is a married and has four grown children. She is a retired firefighter and currently a paramedic. Client has a BFA and presently is enrolled in graduate school to become a mental health counselor. Client appears to be physically healthy and states she has no emotional, psychological, physical or spiritual issues at this time. Client presenting problem Client expresses an interest in specializing in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Personal Strategy Plan-Personal Leadership and Ethics Unit 3 Assignment Trecia Grimes Kaplan University GB580-01: Strategic Management Dr. Carol Schubert October 29, 2017 Abstract Psychology has aims to define, explain, and predict behavior. The field of Psychology has seen the many remarkable theoretician and practitioners. Carl Jung developed the theory on personality types. Meyers Briggs expanded those theories into an assessment known as the he Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
What Degrees are Best For INFP Personality Types? The degrees that are best for INFP personality types are to be found in academic fields that embrace deep ideas, values and thoughts. INFP stands for introversion, intuition, feeling and perception. Craft Art Craft artists must have a strong intuition of style and awareness of their feelings. Craft artists tend to be introverts who excel at expressing abstract beauty or provocative ideas through their art. There are no formal education requirements
I’m an INFP-T personality type, a kinesthetic learning type, and a right brain individual. Want to know more about these topics? We’ll discuss them in this post and you can see if you relate to me. In this essay, we’ll dive into the details of being an INFP-T personality, learn what strategies can help a kinesthetic learner learn in the best way, and what being a right brain person means. To begin, my personality type is an INFP-T personality, meaning I’m introverted, intuitive, emotional, and a
According to the results of MBTI, Jerry is an Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Perceiving (INFP) individual. INFP’s are idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them, curious, quick to possibilities that can be catalysts for implementing ideas. INFP’s seek to understand people and to help them fulfil their potential, as well as they are adaptive, flexible, and accepting. Jerry struggled with the MBTI assessment the most. It is interesting to note that Jerry’s MBTI score
heard (INFP Personality). Evidence of this is when last year in math, I was in a group where I listened to everyone’s ideas and made sure they all contributed to the project. I also dislike people who take charge and don't let anyone else contribute, such as in life skills, when it was hard to share tasks while cooking in the small
Knowing what your personality, learning style or decision making style can aid you in finding a career or major that you want. If a person knows their learning style, they can make their own strategies to assist them in learning new material in class. In addition to knowing their personality or decision making style allows them to understand their way of thinking and why they act the way they do. Decision Making styles are based on a process of gathering information to make a decision. My cluster