My passion for fishing started the moment I could walk and it has always been my dream to catch a five pound bass. One of the reasons I am drawn to this hobby is because unlike most sports, the rules aren't set in stone and the fish can change them everyday. Throughout my life, my knowledge about fishing has steadily grown, and I have come a long way from where I started. When I was younger, I believed fishing was all about having luck and I fished the same way every day, spending nearly seven
Fishing is a great hobby for the “average Joe.” People fish for fun, family bonding, and to make a living. Overfishing, defined as excessive fishing to an extent, damages local ecology. “”, found at,, states, “Catching too many fish; fishing so much that the fish cannot sustain their population”. This means that too many fish are taken out of the water too quickly causing a low population count. People who are overfishing oceans
fishermen work together to measure the supply of cod. Their boat was to catch as many cod as they could and measure and tag them. A second boat was to catch exactly 100 cod and open them to identify their age and sex. For three men who fishing was their life hobby, you would think this would
high school graduation. Each experience different but all a rite of passage to adulthood. “The Bass, The River and Sheila Mant,” by Wetherell the unnamed narrator decides to ask the gorgeous Sheila out on a date only to find that she dislikes fishing which is the narrator's favorite
just right for literally hundreds of different kinds of fish. In 2011, “Florida’s recreational anglers caught roughly 121 million marine fish, 74 million of which were released.” These statistics support the notion that fishing may be one of the most loved hobbies. Since fishing efforts have been drastically increasing over the years, dozens of species are threatened with extinction and many more are experiencing serious population declines. In order to ensure that a fish’s populations will remain
Best Seasons I have two favorite seasons. My number one favorite season is summer. Then comes my second favorite season, which is spring. I don’t have a third favorite season so we will just go with fall for my last choice. Each season has different traits that draws me to them, such as in the summer I get to spend a lot of time with my friends in the outdoors. Which in the spring you can do almost the same exact stuff it’s just not as hot. But in the fall you can only do a limited amount of things
remote area was perfect for fishing, as it sported some of the best fish in Louisiana, and as a bonus, was unknown to everyone else. However, it was a long ways away, even past Point aux Chene, and hours away from his home in Baton Rouge. The journey
we love. To kill and to love may seem like complete opposites, but they are actually eerily similar. They are both extremes of life, filled with emotion, passion, and risk. In the Old man and the Sea, Santiago slowly lets what he loves, which is fishing, kill him. He also kills what he loves, which are fish. The reciprocal relationship of loving and killing is what composes the essence of Santiago’s being, and is what it means to be a fisherman in his world. Thus, I argue that Hemmingway’s novel
Fishing is something that is seen as a sport to many people. In their eyes, it is an opportunity for them to showcase their competitive side and even make money. Others use this activity as a hobby or a way to relax. However, this activity can actually be used to teach children some valuable life lessons. One of the things that fishing can do for a child is teach them patience. That's because most of the time, a person has to wait a long time before they catch anything. In some cases, they may spend
The How to Guide to Fishing The possibilities of getting lost in the woods or some other remote area is very slim. However, if it were to happen to you, would you know how to catch you own food to survive? Or in a lighter sense, do you need a hobby or maybe just something to pass the time away? Fishing is the solution to all of your problems. Going fishing can also be extremely difficult and flabbergasting at times. You have to know the right bait to use, how to rig your rod, and how to fish at