I have chosen the topic of burial of the fetus because I believe that even though the fetus was never a “whole person” I still think it deserves proper burial or have the fetuses’ tissues be used for something good like organ donation or research for finding cures. There have been several videos and breaking news about people selling fetal tissues after an abortion although, some allegations may not be true Texas decided to take action before anything like that happened in the state. As of 2017,
The article I found most interesting was, Prescribing in pregnancy: Effects on the fetus. This article focused on Teratogens, specifically medications, and how they can impact an unborn fetus. The article made it clear that completely avoiding medications during pregnancy is not always possible. When medications must be consumed, it is important for the consumer to understand the possible risks for the fetus. When referring to Teratogens, and medications specifically, timing is everything. Typically
status of a fetus is a matter of subjective opinion, and the only opinion that counts is the one of the pregnant woman. The views of the opposing sides are directly contradictory and there is no consensus, so it’s hard for the government to make laws about abortion that please everyone. Some people consider a fetus an actual person because it is a fertilized egg. Women should consider the implications of killing the fetus, but also think about their health. Next, women should make informed healthy
cigarettes, alcohol and the potential negative effects of cigarettes, alcohol on fetus development. However, scarce research directly addresses specific effects of marijuana on pregnant women because women who use marijuana also tend to smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and more likely to use other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Thus, it is difficult to identify the precise effects of marijuana on pregnant women and on a fetus (Leemaqz, 2016.). Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the
Now you may be wondering but how does it affect the baby and the mother? Stress affects the baby in many ways. First, the baby could be born as a pre-term baby. The reason why the baby could be born as a pre-term is because whatever the mother’s mood is it goes to baby too. The baby then has to deal with the high levels of stress on its own. This causes the baby to not have fully formed organs. According to Dr. Wadhwa pre-term babies are susceptible to a range of complications later, including chronic
to terminate her pregnancy before the fetus is able to survive outside of the uterus on its own. Not only are abortions done before the fetus is considered viable, there have been cases when abortions have been performed late into the pregnancy. I will be discussing the stages of fetus development, pro-life vs. pro-choice, acceptable circumstances to have an abortion, and the different procedures that can be performed to carry out the abortion. Stages of Fetus Development The question that most commonly
1 Philosophy 200 November 16, 2013 The Moral Status of the Fetus The debate over abortion comes down to one essential issue — the moral status of the unborn child. “Those choosing legalization of abortion will argue that the developing fetus lacks a moral status that would trump a woman’s desire to abort the child. Those against abortion argue by making the opposite claim; that the unborn child, because it is a developing human being, possesses a moral status because of its human existence;
now I understand what a fetus goes through and I understand more about the development of the brain. In Chapter five, the information that surprised me the most was what goes on in each trimester, since this is my first time taking a class about infant sand toddlers, and I do not have any children of my own, I was very unaware as of what happens to the fetus at each trimester, so I really enjoyed reading this chapter. It gave me a better understand of what happens to a fetus. Also another thing that
Abortion is terminating a fetus before the baby is capable of living. Currently, there is a debate amongst the politicians to decide whether to continue or not to continue funding for abortion. The Federal Government should not still fund Planned Parenthood abortions, so the individuals can pay for it on their own. People don’t want their tax dollars to be spent on abortions not everyone is pro- choice nor a pro- life either. Tax dollars could be spent on other needs for our country. People don’t
Abortion is one of many key issues that women are faced with in today’s world, to not have a child or conceiving a child through conception. What is abortion these days? To many, abortion is considered an illegal act of killing a fetus, while others believe abortion to be legal by law and punishable for it. It is unclear if the law will make its ruling to put a ban on abortion but it has come with its shared controversy. The first reason why abortion should be legal is the involvement due to churches