Liam O’Flaherty is the author of this short story The Sniper. I enjoyed reading this short story very much. The main character in this story is a Republican sniper, and throughout the story calmly stares into the face of death. This story takes place in Dublin, Ireland, where the Republicans are waging civil war against the Free Staters. In this story our Sniper is having a possibly lethal conflict with another sniper across the street. The other sniper has him pinned down on the rooftop. Unable
Many authors express themselves through their characters within their books. They create a writing piece through their eyes of the world. They often reflect their own personal experiences through a character. This makes the text more interesting to read, and easier to understand. A reader can make connections to the story, if there are real world experiences within a character. J.D Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, serves as an example for this. Holden Caulfield, the main character, is very opinionated
School, Sports, Shower, Eat, Homework, Repeat. Teens face the struggles of not having any time to finish their homework much less having any time to do their favorite activities. Despite all of these issues when the going get’s tough you should try taking your mind off of it, talk to someone you trust, or work harder with even more focus toward your goal. I know when I’m stressed or upset about something my mom will always tell me to step away from the situation for a little bit and do something
In ‘The House of the Scorpion’ (THS), Nancy Farmer utilises a variety of themes, language features and even characters to direct her message to the reader. The theme of humanity is mentioned several times and introduced in a way that gets the audience thinking. The perspective of clones is also a topic which is portrayed in multiple ways through different characters. The final and most argued theme in this novel are the ‘ethics of cloning’. These three main themes give the story a deeper meaning
With the impending end of every good thing comes a chance for a new beginning and a chance for a perfect moment. In a world where perfect moments seem scarce, one is constantly reminded how temporary life truly is. Around every corner, something always seems to be going wrong- war, poverty, famine- and yet some people still manage to find the best in every situation. Robert Frost’s Nothing Gold Can Stay and the film Gladiator externally showcase completely different concepts; yet relate in a way
Life is a series of moments that defines us. These moments can be happy or they could be filled with disappointments. Overall, life is about growing up. Adulthood is about becoming a successful individual with the talent people receives. On other circumstances, people give up and that is why they become depressed and lonely.Tough situations happen everyday and some problems can't be forgotten. There are people who support you or let you down throughout your lifetime. Sometimes you need people to
It was a perfect day. The sun was shining way up high in the air without a cloud to be seen. Lanford was collecting the eggs. After finding only two, he looked up from his work and gasped. The tax man! he thought, almost dropping the basket. Lanford ran towards the house as fast as he could. “Pa!” he cried, banging the door open. “It's the tax man! He's coming this way!” Lanford pointed out the window, and Pa followed his finger. His eyes widened and slammed the door shut. “Did he see you?” Pa
In two worlds plagued by dangerous situations, everyone must fight to stay alive and safe. The book All the Light We Cannot See is set before and during the Second World War and displays how both characters, different but similar in their own ways, must stay safe. Marie-Laure, a blind girl from Paris, and Werner, an orphan boy from Germany, both find the strength to do the best they can in their situation. In All the Light We Cannot See there are many predictions to be made and questions to be asked