Breast Cancer In 2016, breast cancer was the commonest diagnosed cancer in women with 17 million cases diagnosed and a resultant 5 million deaths. In the Western world, improved treatments and screening programmes have resulted in a 5-year survival of 80-90% (WHO, 2016). However, a third of breast cancer patients are found to have distant metastases at diagnosis, bringing their 5-year survival rate down by 25% (Siegel et al., 2004). Metastasis occurs when tumour cells travel through the vascular
by making sure your body is adequately hydrated while you are on Clenbuterol. Long-term Side-effects of Clenbuterol Reserach on animals suggests Clenbuterol may increase the size of heart muscle cells, possibly due to the increased amount of collagen. Collagen is an inelastic substance which reduces the effectiveness of the heart muscle, especially the output of blood. As a result, extremely prolonged use of Clenbuterol may result in arrhythmia (irregular heart beat), and, in turn, an increased risk
Assignment Kelly Erasmus Innovation: Lassi flavoured Gummy Candy Milk inspired flavoured jelly or gummy candies, such as ‘Milk Bottles’ and ‘Ice Cream Cones’ have been in production for decades. With a unique combination of flavours, a Lassi flavoured gummy candy would be another dairy inspired candy that may gain popularity in the market. Lassi is a chilled dairy drink that has origins in India and Pakistan, but has since seen increasing popularity not only within South-East Asia, but around the
imbalance while improving your skin tone and clarity. The Red LED Light Therapy gives results that are most times immediate. It helps in the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and sun damage. It also helps in the increased production of collagen, reduction of overall skin redness, flushing, and dilated
Vitamin C: A Health Promoting Nutritional Supplement There are many substances that occur naturally or that are manufactured through processes in the laboratory, which function to enhance the nutritional content of the food that composes one’s diet. These substances that function to enhance the nutritional content of food, also have the ability to reduce the likelihood of disease and illness, strengthen the immune system, and improve performance in everyday activity. There are a wide variety of
encourage to be active; they are encouraged to continue with their daily routines and to exercise. Philosophy of treatment is to be as active as possible – in order to ‘facilitate remodeling consistent with function, provide a blueprint for the new collagen, living tissues adapt to support the demands of activities (slide). Therefore, ASTYM helps stimulate the body’s natural healing process and relieves pain, which can indirectly improve aerobic endurance. If a patient is in less pain, has more range
sailor's disease, because they are flooded in the general event of men, being deprived of a rich nourishing vitamin C. Because vitamin C is insufficient, this symptom is used to characterize a disease. This vitamin is essential for the binding of collagen in humans, and therefore is ascorbic acid, and the mixed name of vitamin C has been called scorbutic from the name of Latin scurvy. Essentially, necrosis factors contribute to the development of skin spots and further promote the leakage of light
Cellulite is the unwanted skin condition which refers to the packets of fats located directly below the skin. Cellulite may strike you regardless of your weight, health and appearance. Presence of cellulite is a very big embarrassing issue that makes you feel uncomfortable in shorts. They are often found in the hips, thighs and stomach region. The main causes of cellulite includes hormonal factors, diet, genes, clothing and lifestyle factors like smoking, exercise, sitting and standing time period
because the symptoms are progressive a person may live for a few months after diagnosis or could live for up to several years (Nall, 2013). In low power under a microscope a section of lung with silicosis, as seen in fig. 4, shows a massive amount of collagen fibres and very few alveolar ducts. This is because where the macrophages in the alveoli have taken up the silica particles and killed the cells, the consequence of this is tissue damage causing immense fibrosis and
Epithelial Tissue: Epithelial tissues line and cover the organs, capillaries and body cavities within the body. Epithelial tissues can be broken down into four types: Simple Squamous, Simple Cuboidal, Transitional and Stratified Squamous. Epithelial tissues are named first by their amount of layers they have, and second by the cell shape. Simple Epithelial tissues are composed of only one layer of cells, while stratified tissues are composed of more than one layer of cells. Squamous tissues are