My first memory was riding my little tricycle in the parking lot below my family's apartment. It wasn’t a necessarily gloomy day, but there were clouds blocking my view of the blue sky. My mother was nearby watching me carefully as I played, doing her best to ensure that no harm would come my way. I rode my tricycle in erratic circles, but eventually, I found something more entertaining to do. I started riding my tricycle over a water drain in the center of the parking lot. The ground was somewhat
Cultural Issues/Differences – China has a very old and complex culture. Traditions vary between towns, cities and country areas. Chinese culture developed in isolation from the world – which means it is very different, and interesting. The Chinese are not very religious, and have blended different religions over time. In business, the Chinese value relationships. In architecture, symmetry and width are strong eg Forbidden city. Chinese food is very important, and local recipes are now found all
A norm is defined as expectations, or rules of behavior that reflect and enforce behavior.(Henslin, 2009) When people are in public settings we expect individuals to behave in a certain way. For example when standing in line to see a show or to purchase an item we expect everyone to stand in a single file line. We expect individuals to wait their turn as they proceed to the front of the line. Another expectation or norm is we expect individuals to have dinning etiquette when eating in restaurants
or noodles. The principal food in Taiwan is mostly rice. Rice always has a seat on the table. In the US, people eat with forks and spoons. But in Taiwan, we use chopsticks when we eat, though even myself thinks using forks is more quick and easier. Because Chinese food we eat usually contains a lot of sauce. Therefore, using chopsticks can help us get food without having too much sauce. Americans don’t eat internal organs of animals. Taiwanese eat internal organs. This may sound disgusting to Americans
The 1980’s was a decade like no other. It was an era that dealt with the rapid advancement in technology, the rise of Wall Street, and political movements. It was a decade that looked into the future and wanted to discover what that may look like. The films of the 1980’s, regardless of the film type whether it was comedy, drama, or action, were about incorporating the important issues occurring during those times. It was the era of the high concept films, in which films were made to appeal a larger
Nghia Nguyen Hannah Elder ENGL 096/101 Final Draft Food Culture in Vietnam and America When we discuss about the differences between Vietnamese and America culture, we can think of many things such as History, Style of Music, Arts, Religion, Language, etc. And, I will tell you some differences and similarities in eating culture of the two countries. Even though they both have things in common such as family’s dinner, tea and coffee for morning, three meals a day or small snacks between
of life skills. They see the world outside America through different points of view and gain the deeper understanding of unwritten cultural values. For example, most students know that Asians use chopsticks to get food, but they cannot recognize that each country have special features for their chopsticks. Moreover, they increase the ability to learn and speak a new language. It is clearly understandable because the best way to learn a new language is to learn the culture and communicate with native
Introduction Acquiring second language has its impact on the social and cultural knowledge. One of the theories that concern with that knowledge is the sociocultural theory that was originated by the Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky. The theory explains how individual mental functioning is related to cultural, institutional, and historical context. SCT has three main areas. These are: interaction, ZPD, and scaffolding. Summary In chapter (11) of James P. Lantolf and Steven L. Thorne’s book “Theories
each other at the bar and start a conversation with them. sushi is about community. The waitress will bring you an oshibori – hot towel – as soon as you are seated. Use this to wipe your hands prior to touching any food. There will be a set of chopsticks with which you can eat your
Tempura is a popular Japanese dish that is relatively easy to learn how to make. It is a dish that consists of seafood or vegetables dipped in rice-flour batter and deep fried. Many times, it is served over steamed rice (“Japan”). This dish can also be served with different sauces such as tentsuyu, which is the traditional dipping sauce for tempura. Tempura originated in the late sixteenth century during the Feudal Age of Japan. It materialized when the Portuguese and Spanish introduced the batter-frying