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    Throughout the history of literature we see an obvious string of religion connecting most works to the core of their beginnings. From creation stories of tribes, to colonial poems, to the twisted mind of Edgar Allan Poe, there is a connection. Poe’s “The Masque of the Red Death” may not seem to portray the ideas of religion but through close examination, the association will become less cloudy. Poe’s use of symbolism, narrator, word choice, helps readers unmask the idea of religion. Poe’s use of

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    Imagery is the use of language to create “mental pictures” in one’s mind through descriptions and “sensory perceptions” (Wheeler). In“Digging,” Heaney establishes the setting of the poem by describing that he is in what seems to be a room with a window that overlooks an area of green. He starts the poem off with “Between my finger and my thumb / The squat pen rests; snug as a gun. / Under my window, a clean rasping sound / When the spade sinks into gravelly ground: / My father, digging. I look down”

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    descriptive way of writing lends itself to unique interpretation by each reader individually. By including himself, Lortat-Jacob shies away from the empirical tradition of ethnography and emphasizes the importance of the character. The narrative style allows the author to vividly describe the events to the reader while still maintaining an interesting, engaging purpose. These methods show that the author has opted for a more wholesome, modern view of culture and ethnography. Objectivity is not needed

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    Middle/High School Monologues Teaching Students to Read and Write Monologues Welcome to the World of Monologue A Sample Unit of Lessons for Middle and High School Teachers Jefferson County Public Schools Version 2.0 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF MONOLOGUE By all reports from the field, this unit can be a lot of fun for you and your students: • there’s performance • there’s walking in others’ shoes and learning empathy 1 Middle/High School Monologues • there’s connecting to Farris Bueller, Bill Cosby

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    Diction Analysis

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    Diction is the selection of words in a literary work. Diction conveys action, implies attitudes, develops themes, suggests values, and reveals a character. Diction and contrasting imagery are really important because they are what readers react and connect to. “The Flowers”, a short story by Alice Walker, is a great example of diction at play. This short story uses contrasting imagery and diction to develop and show meaning in the work. The contrasting imagery and diction convey meaning in Alice

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    John Wilson

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    Example: Italy, dark mansion, etc. Irony: The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning. A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or

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    Sean Cohen English 1197 Sec 001 April 10th, 2012 “The Sounds of Sonny’s Blues” James Baldwin’s Sonny’s Blues is a short story focused around the narration of Sonny’s brother. The narrator in the case of Sonny’s Blues is the most important character in a cast of characters not only because he is the narrator, but due to the dynamic change of his character we see at the end of the story. Baldwin effectively uses the first-person narration of Sonny’s brother in order to convey the theme of communication

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    Nicholas Wilson Z3161021 LAWS8139 Law and the Culture Industries Lecturer – Dr Catherine Bond Research Essay Essay Question- Select one of the topics studied in this course. What are the regulatory difficulties in this area? What reforms, if any, are necessary? Topic: Entertainment Franchises: transmedia and the importance of character rights Things to watch,,, obvious, grammar, spelling and punctuan, lose pride, refine when possible, don’t be too word or elaborate, reduce passivity, Topic sentence

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    A & P By John Updike

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    A & P is a story of Sammy who is a 19 year old boy working as a clerk at a grocery store in a small town in New England. Published back in 1961 narrative defining A & P is the popular mythology of 1960s basically where youthful rebellion powers took over the soulless system. (Sustana) Therefore Updike has written a story that includes key elements of myth along with the background of postwar prosperity and the attendant consumer culture. Where there is a strong hint of the Cold War as hero character

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    Metaphor criticism would be my rhetorical method of choose. I selected metaphor criticism after reading the prompt above and saw an abundance of metaphors such as “stunning glimpse”, “dizzying height” and “journey to the top” just to name a few. A metaphor within the paragraph that stood out is “journey to top.” The tenor would be “journey” and the vehicle is the “top” I thought metaphorical about each leg of the Arch from a historical perspective. As a black man, the racial history that my people

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