Bill Clements

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    No one would had imagined a woman governing over Texas, a state ruled by conservative white cowboys. Ann Richards was the second woman to become the Lieutenant Governor of Texas in 1990. She became the hero of minorities, woman, gay men, and lesbians, and worked for a “New Texas” where opportunities and power would be given to those groups. Ann Richards is known as the most efficient person in a line of long Texas progressives who fought for control over Texas when the state was a “Democratic Stronghold”

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    election’s campaign was “Me for Ma, and I Ain 't Got a Durned Thing Against Pa.” She beat her opponent with 58.9 percent of votes. In the second election she won with 61.6 percent of the votes. Houstonians may know her for her signature on the Texas House Bill 194. This particular law was important for the University of Houston. In 1933, the University was established as a four year institute. During Miriam’s second an amendment was passed to disable the governor to issue pardons. Within the two terms that

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    NHS Social Changes

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    The National Health Service has seen many political and financial changes since it began. The advance in medicine since the 19th century impacted the Britain significantly. The health of the nation has improved dramatically since the NHS formed. The timeline of events leading up to its formation are crucial. The health services in the 19th century consisted of self-employed doctors who were for the rich and charitable volunteers for the poor. Local authority hospitals catered for specific illnesses

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    Artwork is Not Art Because of Theory

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         Whether it be writers, painters, sculptors, musicians, or photographers, artists all over the world have striven to show people their views of the world, of people, and even of the universe itself. Throughout history the creative urge of man to present to fellow men a different perspective or representation of life-or even the afterlife-has surfaced time and time again in the form of artwork. Sometimes it comes through genius and complexity, full of meaning and symbolism

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    the work consists of glass shards and footprints embedded into the canvas. Pollock’s boundary breaking manipulation of surface ultimately encourages artists to imitate his new and non-traditional methodologies within art making. Modernist critic, Clement Greenberg coined the term of Abstract Expressionism, and was largely responsible for the growing reputation of Pollock within the art world. Greenberg assisted in determining the reaction to Blue Poles by the audience. In The Nation, 20/1/1945, Greenberg

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    “Frindle” by Andrew Clements illustrated by Brian Selznick Nick Allen is a child full of ideas who decides to replace the word “pen” with the word “frindle” after his teacher has told him that words are formed by the people making them, therefore he must try it out for himself and gets six of his friends to commit to using the word “frindle” instead of pen. Nick and his friends made a big show about using the new word every time they needed to say pen, however Mrs. Granger, the fifth grade, language

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    The Four Senses of Scripture in Origen Homily I Origen was one of the most pivotal and important teacher and interpreter of the Catholic faith of all time. His interpretations of Genesis I and many other homilies are still looked to today for guidance, even though he lived in the third century. Origen has had a difficult history with the church, from being excommunicated and pronounced a heretic, though today the church an scholars recognize him as a very important mind in church history. If one

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    1.     Explain how you demonstrate the character traits mentioned in the letter. Honesty- I dislike lying. People whom are good liars frighten me. I don’t admire them and I would even go as far as to say they’re dangerous. Their lack of morals shocks and worries me. I am the opposite. I watch my words and make sure they are transparent and true. I do my best to prove as often as possible that I am completely trustworthy. I fear lies because I do not like the idea of someone lying to me. Lying is

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    I chose to critique Helen Frankenthaler Snow Pines at in the Sarah Moody Gallery of Art from 2004 in Garland Hall at the University of Alabama. Description Acclaimed artist Helen Frankenthaler created a work of art that was influenced by abstract expressionism. His, Snow Pines (2004), predominately utilizes woodblock printing technique . This artwork is considered a Woodblock prints--a block of wood on whose surface a design for printing is engraved along the grain. Frankenthaler doesn't

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    essay I am going to focus more on abstract expressionism. Debates in this movement have gone as far as influencing many artists and the two well-known critics who have made this movement more remarkable and have changed the art world completely are Clement Greenberg and Ronald Rosenberg. On the writings of these two gentlemen about art I will try to draw out the differences in the idea of what abstract expressionism is and what it is supposed to be, compare and outline the similarities and the differences

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