intensity (by changing the distance between the light source and the plant) affect the amount of bubbles produced by a marimo moss ball? Background information: Photosynthesis is the process where green plants use sunlight to produce water and carbon dioxide as the food and generates oxygen as a product. 〖6CO〗_2+〖6H〗_2 O → C_6 H_12 O_6+〖6O〗_2 There are three main factors that can change the rate of photosynthesis. When a plant is going through photosynthesis there are many steps in the reaction
Photosynthesis is the process used by plants, algae and cyanobacteria to convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy for later use. The first stage in photosynthesis involves drawing moisture (H2O) and Carbon Dioxide from the surrounding area. The next stage in photosynthesis occurs when the light from the sun reaches the chloroplasts in the organism, for plants this is in their leaves, and for algae and cyanobacteria it happens in their antennae that collect the light. This light energy
The effect of chloroplasts on the growth of a plant Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to determine how different factors affect the rate of photosynthesis. Hypothesis: If the amount of chloroplast relates to photosynthesis then it is predicted that the more chloroplast present in the leaf the more oxygen bubbles produced because the function of chloroplasts is to capture energy from sunlight and use it to conduct photosynthesis, without this organelle photosynthesis would be impossible
IN DISSOLVED OXYGEN LEVELS Differences in Dissolved Oxygen Levels when Introduced to Chlorella, Daphnia, and Hydra Megan Ussery Kenston High School Abstract The amount of dissolved oxygen within an aquatic biome is a crucial factor of maintaining a functioning community. Marine plants use dissolved carbon dioxide, sunlight and water to make carbohydrates through the process of photosynthesis. This process releases oxygen into the water. All marine organisms use oxygen for respiration, which
As the world around us warms, places that originally were too cold for certain species become their new ideal habitat. Sometimes however, animals and plants that once inhabited the same area move at different speeds, creating new interspecies interactions. Mangrove tree crabs, Aratus pisonii, originally inhabited only the natural range of the mangrove tree. The current range of the mangrove tree along the East coast starts at Jacksonville, Florida and continues south. Aratus depends on the mangrove
The mitochondria of our cells and those of every other eukaryote are descendants of those smaller prokaryotes, so are the chloroplasts of plants and algae. Biological Diversity Evolution Biological diversity evolution combines the millions of species that live on our planet, and the genetic differences in those species. Biodiversity plays a key role in maintaining healthy ecosystems and
photosynthesis, those being light intensity, the temperature of the water, the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, and the color of the light. In this experiment we chose to alter the color of light that was used in the process involving the aquatic plant Elodea while maintaining the other 3 factors. This experiment was conducted to see how much of an effect the color of the light played in the amount of carbon dioxide produced in the process of photosynthesis. We measured the amount of NaOH that
Introduction The objective of this lab was to determine if light color had an effect on photosynthesis rates in the aquatic plant Elodea. Other studies have taken place on different plants such as a study in 2013 the effects of red, blue, white, and far-red LEDs were tested on Wasabia Japonica seedlings. In that study it was found that a mixture of red and blue light yielded the highest rate of growth (Kim & You, 2013). For this lab it was hypothesized that violet and blue light (400-500 nm) would
but are mostly found in soft substances like sand or mud (AIMS, 2016). Overall the presence of seagrasses depends on sediment condition, water movement, fresh water supply and connection to the ocean, as well as other factors which influence all aquatic plants such as light, nutrient availability, pressure, floods and human disturbance (Government of Western Australia, n.d.). Figure 1 shows why Botany Bay has the ability to support seagrass meadows. There is an estimated 60 species of seagrasses in
and the energy is not. The organisms in the Tampa Bay Food web are either producers or consumers. The producers such as plants in the water convert energy from the sun into carbon energy. Because these producers convert sunlight to food energy via chemosynthesis they are called primary producers. Microscopic Algae is a primary producer similar to sea grass (an aquatic plant) another primary producer. The terminology, primary producers and the term autotroph are synonymous. Primary consumers are