Alaska Air Group

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    sustainable energy future. I. Introduction The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is located in the northeastern part of Alaska and has been the topic of many recent political and environmental debates. Many of these

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    Preliminary Proposal: LTER: Coastal Alaska- CoA LTER Overview The CoA LTER aims to better understand how high-latitude marine ecosystems will be affected by future ocean change, particularly changes associated with glacial discharge and ocean acidification. Kachemak Bay, Alaska, is the ideal high-latitude model system to conduct this research because of its 1) wealth of existing data, 2) existing infrastructure (the Kasitsna Bay Laboratory), 3) high productivity and biological diversity, 4) susceptibility

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    Bp ( British Petroleum )

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    of oil were raised by Libyan leader Miammar al-Gaddafi and spread to oil rich Middle East countries. Because of this, BP’s survival was contingent on finding other places to dig for oil. The Forties Field off the coast of Scotland and Prudhoe Bay Alaska were tapped, and became BP’s best sites. It was a challenge for their engineers because transportation of the oil became a problem. Because of this we saw the development of the largest deepwater pipeline ever constructed. BP did extensive test

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    vulnerable population to begin with. Wanted to understand why this population had so many health care issues. Our nomadic ancestors of our modern Native Americans as we know today made their way over the “land bridge” from Asia which is now called Alaska over more than 12,000 years ago. Dividing these nomadic areas into “culture areas,” or groupings of connecting people who shared similar habitats and characteristics into 10 separate culture areas: the Arctic, the Subarctic, the Northeast, the Southeast

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    Then he discovered his flight to be cancelled, so he asked if the United Airlines employees could find him another flight to Portland. They found a flight leaving in an hour and a half later with Alaska Airlines. After he was checked and seated on the plane, an Alaska Airline employee informed him that his luggage needed to be checked again. He consented and then a few minutes later the same employee came to ask what was in his black box. The box was vibrating and Samir told them

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    3 The country of Libya is bordered by Tunisia and Algeria in the west, to the east lays Egypt, and to the south are the countries of Sudan, Chad, and Niger. Libya is slightly larger than Alaska covering 679,358 square miles. The population of Libya is estimated to be at just about 6,000,000 people. The largest city within Libya is Tripoli with a population of roughly 1.1 million people. The languages used in Libya are Italian, Arabic

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    Surprisingly not that many people know what EPA stands for or what they do. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Also known as the EPA was established in July 1970 by congress in response of the growing demand by the public for cleaner water, air, and land. By the 1980’s, the EPA recognized that the enforcement of environmental laws required the use of criminal investigators. The EPA’s criminal enforcement program was established in 1982. Due to the growing cases that involved environmental

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    Alex- a hitchhiker- his real name is Christopher Johnson McCandless). The hitchhiker says he is from South Dakota and requests a ride to Denali National Park. Gallien sees Alex as an intelligent young boy that lacks the necessities for surviving in Alaska. Chris took his yellow Datsun car to Nevada. He donated all his money in the bank to a hunger charity. Then the author skipped to early September in 1992. Five strangers found a bus by a river near the Alaska’s Stampede Trial. The Anchorage couple

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    Climate Change is a change of weather patterns that lasts for a long duration. Climate change can be caused by the ‘greenhouse effect’. Humans create greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, electricity production and more. These gases trap the sun’s heat in the atmosphere and increase the earth’s overall temperature. This process is also called Global Warming which can cause more natural disasters like floods and droughts. Climate change is an existent global issue that started since 1880 when

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    Surprisingly not that many people know what EPA stands for or what they do. The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Also known as the EPA was established in July 1970 by congress in response of the growing demand by the public for cleaner water, air, and land. By

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