Lorenzo’s Oil, directed by George Miller, is a film based on the real-life story of the Odone family. Shortly after moving from the Comoro Islands to the United States, five-year-old Lorenzo Odone is diagnosed with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) after displaying symptoms of the disease at school and at home. After failing to find an existing cure for the extremely rare disease, parents Michaela and Augusto Odone take it into their own hands to save their child. Unsuccessful experimental trials, countless
Lorenzo’s Oil In 1984, Lorenzo Michael Murphy Odone, just a young boy at the age of 5, was diagnosed with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). ALD is an extremely rare genetic disorder that causes damage to the myelin sheath, which is the protective layer that surrounds the central nervous system’s nerve fibers. This demyelination prevents and impairs the conduction of signals to and from the brain, causing many problems such as aggression, visual loss, learning disabilities, dysphagia, and hearing loss
Part A: Lorenzo’s Oil Movie 1. Step 1: Their question was how to reduce blood in Lorenzo’s blood. Step 2: Lorenzo’s parents did the background research on ALD to better understand the disease. Step 3: They created a hypothesis. The Odones’ hypothesis was that by modifying oil, they could be able to reduce the fat in Lorenzo’s blood. Step 4: They tested this by conducting experiments. The Odone’s gave Lorenzo regulated oil to see if there was any change. After the method didn’t work, they would restart
Ethical Theories and Ethical Principles Applied to Lorenzo’s Oil Movie Lorenzo’s Oil is a movie about a young child diagnosed with a very rare, inherited neurological disorder called Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). A boy named Lorenzo Odone was diagnosed with ALD. Throughout the movie his parents, Augusto and Michaela Odone, along with other characters, demonstrate many ethical theories. Teleology, deontology, virtue ethics, and divine command ethics theories are all expressed in this movie. Lorenzo’s
Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is known for its horrific defects in children mainly boys. This disease affects the adrenal glands and white matter of the brain (http://www.x-ald.nl/clinical-diagnosis/facts-on-x-linked-adrenoleukodystrophy/ ). ALD causes the loss of the myelin sheath around nerve cells-demyelination which is responsible for brain degeneration. Myelin causes the insulation and functioning of nerve cells therefore without myelin the nerve cells do not function normally by not sending impulse
Adrenoleukodystrophy, or ALD, is a deadly genetic disease that affects 1 in 35, 000 people. It most severely affects boys and men. It knows no racial, ethnic, or geographic barriers. ALD is currently not curable, but doctors can help slow progression. Symptoms of ALD include weak muscles, poor appetite, weight loss, paralysis, seizures, developmental delay , mental retardation , and vision and hearing impairment. Treatment methods differ depending on the type of ALD one has. Steroids can be used
Childhood Cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy (CCALD) A dysfunction of an enzyme in the peroxisome leads to the accumulation of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) in several areas (several areas of what?) including the central nervous tissue(CNS). The accumulation of VLCFA is toxic leading to the death of neuroglial cells like the oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. Astrocytes in normal conditions regulate the composition of the blood-barrier in the central nervous system; The olygodendorocytes form the
1. The movie Lorenzo’s Oil challenges some of the medical assumptions made around the disease Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). Firstly within the movie, during the initial diagnosis of the disease, Dr.Nikolais informs the family there was is cure for ALD. The Odone’s refuse to accept this fate of their son and challenge this by discovering an oil that appears to ‘cure’ ALD. Secondly within the film is it explained that with ALD, elevated very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCSFA) levels lead to deterioration
1. What is the movie all about? Lorenzo’s Oil Lorenzo is the son of Michaela and Augusto Odone. He begins to have strange memory problems and blackouts. At age 6, he is diagnosed with the childhood cerebral form of ALD, a progressive degenerative nervous system disorder. There is no cure for this disease and his parents are told he will become totally disabled and die in a few years. Michaela and Augusto, devastated by Lorenzo's diagnosis, decide to research ALD even though neither has a scientific
1 in every 18,000 people, Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a genetic disease that destroys the myelin sheath surrounding a brain neuron. A brain neuron is an essential cell body that is responsible for muscle contractions and ultimately, our ability to move. Adrenoleukodystrophy is a devastating genetic mutation that affects X-chromosomes in both males and females. However, because males only have one X-chromosome, the outcome is catastrophic. As said, Adrenoleukodystrophy is a x-linked metabolic disorder