Academic Writing Essay

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  • Decent Essays

    Reading and writing a good piece of work takes effort. Writing a great piece of work takes effort, time, and hard work. There are many aspects to reading and writing concise, coherent, pieces that will engage a reader. While reading can be done for personal enjoyment, it is also necessary for everyday life. We read signs, posts, directions, menus, text messages, and so much more every minute. While reading these objects does not take much effort, there are pieces of writing that do take an

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    What is academic writing? That is difficult question due to the fact that there is no sole factor but rather a series of elements that intertwine together that create an academic piece of writing. Throughout my academic experience I would highlight three main elements that are crucial to any piece of academic writing: (1) knowledge of the topic discussed, (2) writing styles, and (3) a clear objective of what conclusions the information gathered has provided. In this paper, I will compare and contrast

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Writing has become an essential way of communication in a technological world in which our voice has been transformed into written words, through text messages, e-mails, and documents widely used and published by everyone. By being a critical issue, students are compelled to learn College-level writing in college; although, the effectiveness of Academic Writing is a discussion among scholars its relevance should not be neglected. For some educators, academic writing does not add practicality to the

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The academic writing process has been around for ages, so the attributes that a scholarly piece, such as this one, must possess in order to be efficient are no secret. All academic pieces of writing must have a mix of the following qualities: objectivity, accuracy, and complexity. These attributes must remain intact and must not waiver throughout each step of the writing process. This very process that forces students to set creativity aside is proposed to assist in critical thinking skills, writing

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    When you think of academic writing, what do you think of? Is important that you first learn how to write in such a way that will convince the reader that they understand what you are talking about. Academic writing can serve as a communication tool, as well as play a role in your higher education career. It is my personal belief that the benefits of academic writing far outweigh the disadvantages. There can be some hindrances, but only if you do not review and edit your documents. But fear not, for

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    documents are used and published widely for everyone, writing has become an essential way of communicating. Although, the effectiveness of academic writing is a discussion among scholars its relevance should not be neglected. For some educators, academic writing does not add practicality to the students' future career communication; for others, college-level writing is an essential learning tool. Moreover, students are struggled in understand academic writing real usefulness and try to avoid this discipline

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    grammar, and structure but when we need to create a piece of academic writing it can make the process more challenging if we rely only on these. There are other strategies which weren’t taught as early in our education though, such as word choice, simplicity, revision, and finding our angle, which can vastly improve our writing. We tend to focus on these strategies in the order in which they were taught, but to effectively write academic papers we need to use the strategies we are less familiar with

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    Decent Essays
  • Better Essays

    The Importance of Academic Writing For centuries, the human species has been mastering the art of writing, as it is everywhere whether you think so or not. Writing is portable and permanent, and it makes your thinking visible. That being said, it is an essential skill that one must learn. Hence why English/Language Arts is a core class in most schools. These schools teach various types of writing that are used in different areas of work and life, and that are essential to college life. However, we

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    Better Essays
  • Decent Essays

    grammar and academic writing. People have a lot to say about this argument and stand against "tech speak", which is when texting includes abbreviations, shortcuts, and other unnecessary letters or symbols. This controversial matter can affect everyone in different ways. It affects the teachers, students, and other peers they text along the way. It is an important issue to address

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    form of writing in the 21st-century and is accessible to everyone who searched the Internet. The term blog, according to Michael Aaron Dennis in Encyclopedia Britannica a “Blog, in full Web log or Weblog, online journal where an individual, group, or corporations presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs” (Blog). Due to the fact students are drawn to this new form of communication, teachers have started utilizing blogs as a means to teach students of all ages creative writing. Students

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    Decent Essays