Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (7th Edition) - 7th Edition - by Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Umberto Ravaioli - ISBN 9780133356816

Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetic...
7th Edition
Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Umberto Ravaioli
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780133356816

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Chapter 2.8 - Special Cases Of The Lossless LineChapter 2.9 - Power Flow On A Lossless Transmission LineChapter 2.10 - The Smith ChartChapter 2.11 - Impedance MatchingChapter 2.12 - Transients On Transmission LinesChapter 3 - Vector AnalysisChapter 3.1 - Basic Laws Of Vector AlgebraChapter 3.2 - Orthogonal Coordinate SystemsChapter 3.3 - Transformations Between Coordinate SystemsChapter 3.4 - Gradient Of A Scalar FieldChapter 3.5 - Divergence Of A Vector FieldChapter 3.6 - Curl Of A Vector FieldChapter 3.7 - Laplacian OperatorChapter 4 - ElectrostaticsChapter 4.2 - Charge And Current DistributionsChapter 4.3 - Coulomb’s LawChapter 4.4 - Gauss’s LawChapter 4.5 - Electric Scalar PotentialChapter 4.6 - ConductorsChapter 4.7 - DielectricsChapter 4.8 - Electric Boundary ConditionsChapter 4.9 - CapacitanceChapter 4.10 - Electrostatic Potential EnergyChapter 4.11 - Image MethodChapter 5 - MagnetostaticsChapter 5.1 - Magnetic Forces And TorquesChapter 5.2 - The Biot–savart LawChapter 5.3 - Maxwell’s Magnetostatic EquationsChapter 5.5 - Magnetic Properties Of MaterialsChapter 5.6 - Magnetic Boundary ConditionsChapter 5.7 - InductanceChapter 6 - Maxwell’s Equations For Time-varying FieldsChapter 6.2 - Stationary Loop In A Time-varying Magnetic FieldChapter 6.4 - Moving Conductor In A Static Magnetic Field Tb12 Emf SensorsChapter 6.5 - The Electromagnetic GeneratorChapter 6.7 - Displacement CurrentChapter 6.8 - Boundary Conditions For ElectromagneticsChapter 6.10 - Free-charge Dissipation In A ConductorChapter 6.11 - Electromagnetic PotentialsChapter 7 - Plane-wave PropagationChapter 7.2 - Plane-wave Propagation In Lossless MediaChapter 7.3 - Wave PolarizationChapter 7.4 - Plane-wave Propagation In Lossy MediaChapter 7.5 - Current Flow In A Good ConductorChapter 7.6 - Electromagnetic Power DensityChapter 8 - Wave Reflection And TransmissionChapter 8.1 - Wave Reflection And Transmission At Normal IncidenceChapter 8.2 - Snell’s LawsChapter 8.3 - Fiber OpticsChapter 8.4 - Wave Reflection And Transmission At Oblique Incidence Tb15 LasersChapter 8.8 - Tm Modes In Rectangular WaveguideChapter 8.10 - Propagation VelocitiesChapter 9 - Radiation And AntennasChapter 9.1 - The Hertzian DipoleChapter 9.2 - Antenna Radiation CharacteristicsChapter 9.3 - Half-wave Dipole AntennaChapter 9.5 - Effective Area Of A Receiving AntennaChapter 9.6 - Friis Transmission FormulaChapter 9.8 - Rectangular Aperture With Uniform Aperture DistributionChapter 9.11 - Electronic Scanning Of ArraysChapter 10 - Satellite Communication Systems And Radar SensorsChapter 10.4 - Antenna BeamsChapter 10.8 - Monopulse Radar

Book Details


Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics is intended for use in one- or two-semester courses in electromagnetics. It also serves as a reference for engineers.


Widely acclaimed both in the U.S. and abroad, this authoritative text bridges the gap between circuits and new electromagnetics material. Ulaby begins coverage with transmission lines, leading students from familiar concepts into more advanced topics and applications. A user-friendly approach, full-color figures and images, and a set of interactive simulations will help readers understand the concepts presented.

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