Instructions   You will look at four documents. Some documents may provide evidence suggesting that the New Deal was a good policy while other documents may provide evidence suggesting that the New Deal was actually a bad policy. Analyze the following documents to answer the question: Was the New Deal a good thing for America in the 1930s? Each supporting paragraph must be at least 5 sentences in length. The introduction and conclusion can be four sentences. You must have a clear thesis. Use the documents as your evidence to support your thesis.    Refer to Essay Notes slides (see New Deal Essay post under “Summative”)   III. Refer to textbook for guidance (see New Deal Essay post under “Summative”)

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  1. You will look at four documents. Some documents may provide evidence suggesting that the New Deal was a good policy while other documents may provide evidence suggesting that the New Deal was actually a bad policy. Analyze the following documents to answer the question: Was the New Deal a good thing for America in the 1930s? Each supporting paragraph must be at least 5 sentences in length. The introduction and conclusion can be four sentences. You must have a clear thesis. Use the documents as your evidence to support your thesis. 


  • Refer to Essay Notes slides (see New Deal Essay post under “Summative”)


III. Refer to textbook for guidance (see New Deal Essay post under “Summative”)