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What is the endearing legacy of slavery? I did a lot now I need an arguments, counter argument, and rebuttal Help with conclusion if you can please
that the bad mentality of white peoples still exists today because the white
peoples getting are more priority than black peoples health care while the black
peoples getting ignored.
racism and slavery have formed American health, not solely to right past wrongs
however conjointly to confront however that influence continued to have an effect on
African American patients that have been treated in modern times in the United States
health care.
However, The inequalities of the health system were built in from the beginning," said
former Harvard College Dean Evelynn M. Hammonds, now chair of the Department of
the History of Science.
Argument 2
Write your counter-argument here.
Rebut the counter-argument here.
Argument 3
Write your first argument here.
Write your counter-argument here.
umont here
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Transcribed Image Text:that the bad mentality of white peoples still exists today because the white peoples getting are more priority than black peoples health care while the black peoples getting ignored. Counter-argument racism and slavery have formed American health, not solely to right past wrongs however conjointly to confront however that influence continued to have an effect on African American patients that have been treated in modern times in the United States health care. Rebuttal However, The inequalities of the health system were built in from the beginning," said former Harvard College Dean Evelynn M. Hammonds, now chair of the Department of the History of Science. Argument 2 Counter-argument Write your counter-argument here. Rebuttal Rebut the counter-argument here. Argument 3 Write your first argument here. Counter-argument Write your counter-argument here. Rebuttal umont here
Layes Miah
The enduring legacy of slavery
American slavery is something bad that still affects our modern world. Slavery of black
peoples begin when the African were brought to America by white peoples
here's still kidnapping going on and still racism exists band that's really bad in our
society . s reckoned in persistent race-based inequalities in health care, childbirth, and
also the skin color as well as community based healing and
health care traditions.
Argument 1
The first specific reason why slavery affects our modern world in the
United States is health care. According to the article How slavery still shadows
health care, “The U.S. is one of only 13 countries in the world where more women
die in childbirth today than they did 25 years ago, and African American women
are three to four times more likely to die than whites..." This is happening
because of racism. For example, an African American woman in New Orleans who
lost her first child because doctors ignored warning signs of an impending
miscarriage.The white women getting more priority while black peoples are
slavery. The article How slavery still
getting ignored and this is an affect
shadows health care states "stereotypes with roots in slavery have endured to
the present – notably the idea that black people do not feel pain in the same way
whites do, a notion once used to justify whipping and other abuse." This means
that the bad mentality of white peoples still exists today because the white
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Transcribed Image Text:Layes Miah The enduring legacy of slavery Introduction American slavery is something bad that still affects our modern world. Slavery of black peoples begin when the African were brought to America by white peoples here's still kidnapping going on and still racism exists band that's really bad in our society . s reckoned in persistent race-based inequalities in health care, childbirth, and also the skin color as well as community based healing and health care traditions. Argument 1 The first specific reason why slavery affects our modern world in the United States is health care. According to the article How slavery still shadows health care, “The U.S. is one of only 13 countries in the world where more women die in childbirth today than they did 25 years ago, and African American women are three to four times more likely to die than whites..." This is happening because of racism. For example, an African American woman in New Orleans who lost her first child because doctors ignored warning signs of an impending miscarriage.The white women getting more priority while black peoples are slavery. The article How slavery still getting ignored and this is an affect shadows health care states "stereotypes with roots in slavery have endured to the present – notably the idea that black people do not feel pain in the same way whites do, a notion once used to justify whipping and other abuse." This means that the bad mentality of white peoples still exists today because the white
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