Spectroscopy Assignment Description: Organic synthesis is often accompanied by various forms of spectroscopy in order to elucidate or validate structures of starting materials, intermediate product, or final products. IR is primarily utilized as method for validating functional groups either present or absent in the structures. 'H NMR on the other hand is a very powerful analytical tool that provides useful information about (i) Unique sets of protons in a structure (number of peaks present), (ii) number of protons in each unique set (integration), (iii) the number of adjacent protons (multiplicity), and (iv) the electron- withdrawing environment around each unique set of protons (chemical shift). 1. Provided below is the IR and 'H NMR for a compound having the molecular formula of C-H1402 Using this information draw the structure responsible for these spectral data. To validate your answer, you need to assign the type of bond (ie. stretch) responsible for each peak highlighted by a box in the IR. You must also assign each 'H NMR peak (a)-(e) to the correct set of protons in your proposed structure. The integration for each peak has been provided for you. You must label the multiplicity observed for each peak. Is your structure consistent with all of this data? If not, chances are you do not have the correct structure, or the peaks have been assigned incorrectly. In your peer review, offer feedback concerning the accuracy of the submitted structures and spectral assignments. If you believe the answers are incorrect, then you need to provided explanation. In the end, you should all be getting the same correct structure. Please draw the final structure in the box provided underneath the NMR. IR LOD 50 D 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500 NAVENUMBER
Spectroscopy Assignment Description: Organic synthesis is often accompanied by various forms of spectroscopy in order to elucidate or validate structures of starting materials, intermediate product, or final products. IR is primarily utilized as method for validating functional groups either present or absent in the structures. 'H NMR on the other hand is a very powerful analytical tool that provides useful information about (i) Unique sets of protons in a structure (number of peaks present), (ii) number of protons in each unique set (integration), (iii) the number of adjacent protons (multiplicity), and (iv) the electron- withdrawing environment around each unique set of protons (chemical shift). 1. Provided below is the IR and 'H NMR for a compound having the molecular formula of C-H1402 Using this information draw the structure responsible for these spectral data. To validate your answer, you need to assign the type of bond (ie. stretch) responsible for each peak highlighted by a box in the IR. You must also assign each 'H NMR peak (a)-(e) to the correct set of protons in your proposed structure. The integration for each peak has been provided for you. You must label the multiplicity observed for each peak. Is your structure consistent with all of this data? If not, chances are you do not have the correct structure, or the peaks have been assigned incorrectly. In your peer review, offer feedback concerning the accuracy of the submitted structures and spectral assignments. If you believe the answers are incorrect, then you need to provided explanation. In the end, you should all be getting the same correct structure. Please draw the final structure in the box provided underneath the NMR. IR LOD 50 D 4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 500 NAVENUMBER