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Please help me. Don’t answer the 2nd question
War on the Horizon: Germany after World War I
Spotlight Canada p. 213-216
1. Name the 4 areas / problems that Germany experienced after WWI:
2. List 5 effects that the Treaty of Versailles had on Germany.
3. a) How did the German government pay off its debts?
b) What problems did this create?
4. Give 5 examples explaining the value of the German mark /wages/items.
5. Explain 5 ways the Great Depression affected Germany.
Transcribed Image Text:War on the Horizon: Germany after World War I Spotlight Canada p. 213-216 1. Name the 4 areas / problems that Germany experienced after WWI: 2. List 5 effects that the Treaty of Versailles had on Germany. 3. a) How did the German government pay off its debts? b) What problems did this create? 4. Give 5 examples explaining the value of the German mark /wages/items. 5. Explain 5 ways the Great Depression affected Germany.
perple in the canp are branded by nheir shaved heads We assume ihat
most of them are mundered The English radio speaks of their being gassed.
News) called for vengeance.
2 Economle Problems Infle
To finance the war Germany had bon
large sume of money As a resu the
bry was burdened wath a huge detn.1
oft the debt, the govermment began
Ing more money But Germany's indi
and businesses were not expar
Instead of going into the econor
prinied money and all the country'ss
was ging lo pay off he debt and te
reparations. The npid printing of
(he basic unit of Cerman money) w
The huge reparilon payments, los of supported by real economie value,
colanies, and loM of teritory also made caused severe ieflation. Prices for
dillcult lor the German economy to reco and services mee astronomically
In the spring of 1922, about 300
could buy an American dollar. By
1. Review the main lerms ol the Treaty of 1923, R look 50 000 marks to b
Versales limed under A below Deckde American dollar. Soon Cermans n
which groups of people lsied under B billions of marks to pay for a p
Mould be opposed to each term Why stamp. Htook a shopping bag hull of
1o pay lor the fere on a streelcar
were aten caried home In wheelb
The French took rich prizs of German full of almust worthless paper mc
temitory west of the Rhinethe Sear liletimes saving cold become val
1. Define persecution What lorms of pensecution agalnat Jewish people
does Anne Frank describe in her dlary?
2 f you were Anne Frank in 19M2, how would you react to these acts of
day in eries the digacehTrety s
belg igned De net ertThe German
pecple will, with unceing labous p
Adoem the place among te
ationaowhich w anen hen wll
eome wance le theshane ol
A World War II
leader Adoll Hiler? Why were Jewish peo
Anne Frank was just one af the 6 million Puch as Anne Pank, so hanhly trea
Jews whio died in the horible concenira
Son camps of Nazl Germany Another oMing case study you can analye kory
24 million soldiers and cvillans from Protiems that contributed to the outbrek
all sides-Canadian, Britiah French,
Sovie. Dutch, Genman, halian, Japanese 1 The Treaty of Versallles
American, and others-brought the stag
ed? What was Canada's reaction? With the
er alter the war,
of the war
Aher World War Lleaders of the victorios
World War IL. What caused the world te counerles gathered to sign the Treaty of
rupe into the second major confict of Versalles Some leaders, such a the
American President Woodrow Miiscn, lell
this euntury? How did Caneda become
Imcled in yet another world wart Whae the deleated countries shauld be treated
with justice and honour so that they would
not want to gen revenge in the tuture
Othen, including Prime Minister Lloyd
n Case Study: Germany ceorge of Britain and Premier Georges
rale did Canada nd Canadians play?
Valley with its coal fields and the In a mater of weeka
provinces of Aloce and Lorraine
b) The German amy was limiled to L. Whai was the major economic p
Germany taced ater the war ar
After World War I
100 00. Gemany could have no sub-
marines, alrerat. ot heny artilery
Clemenceau ol France, also wanted to
avoid another war But they became deter
Ta nalyne why World War broke out, ik mined that Germany should pay for the
belps to undestand the conditdons in damages done and the lives kost. They aho
Germany between 1918 and 192. Whty did wanted lo ensure that Germany would
the German people turm to the Na emalin weak and never wage another dev
did i arise
c) Gemany was requied to pay S5 bilion 2. How did the German gover
aempt to solve the economic
In reparations
d) Germanys colonies were pacred aut 3. Who would sufter most bum int
to France, Biljain, and Japon.
The Germen
Ade Hlen
Ihe Nazi pany which stressed the
ing beliels:
vernment should be run by the
and the wealthy
industry should be pevalely oMws
the power of the mitary sho
• demoeratie govemment should t
There were aften
lang lnepe ouide
mery ature e
Germeny n 1as
Pric hed ared
Buter fani
and mony gnods
ere aruree
activities ol Jews and loeignerss
be severely restricted (becaus
Nazis belleved these hwo grop
responsible for Cemanys ecor
I. How would e polilical and eO
le instability of the counry w
Hllernd the Na partys adv
2. Who (besides the government
Hiller hold responsible lor Cere
economik problem
3 Depresslon and
Just as the German economy was begin to scrounge food for their families. Many
aing to recover from the wages of nun people were reduced to begging in the
awny inlation, another disaster ruck In streets
thelhited States In I09, the Mock market
cnshed. This marked the beginning of the
worldwide depession. Americans could
eo longer afford to buy Derman manu-
Sactured goods. American banks could no
Jonger lend money to the German gev
erement and Cerman businesses to
rebuild alter World War 1. Many German
busineses went bankrupt and people lost
i jobs. Germany had very liufe money
and could not make is repartion pay
tets The shock waves of the depression who were biter about Inflarion and eco
ha Germany tutl klorce.
Cenmans who still had jobe saw their said
scanty wages tall steadily from month to
month. Uneployed mine pent the win-
ler in unhealed nooms Sometimes, in de
penton, they bmke through fencen at the
mines to steala hew lumps of coal. In the
wnods around Berlin, familes pitched
tems or lived in packing crates They
oruldn't attoed o pay ts in the city in . What did Hiler say was the cause of
the country larmers stood with loaded
niles to protect their erops and sardens
Starving people eame Irom the city to try
2. a) What isa dictanoship
b) What could Hiler promise the
unemployedo win them over to the
idea of a Naai dictalonhip
Hitler Comes to
4 Polltical lastabllty
Wih such erious economic crises lacing
the countrx political leadenship as crit in 1919, Adoll Hiiler joined a sall
cal to Germanys recory But the German leal group that was to become the
political tem wmn badly wounded party Wiihin a short tima, he tool
the economK
Aller World War LGermany had more shape it lo reflect his own ideas.
Ihan a doren major polical parlim. No
party was strong enough ID undertake the he would get back ihe land lot
huge ask of rebuilding a wartom country World War I. He promised to n
The maln political partles lell Into theee Cermany to world leadenip. H
general groups Communists, Soclal nounced that Aryans (Cucasians
Democrats. and Natlenal Soelaliats Jewish descent and, for Hiber, parti
(Nad). These groups shared lle in com y people of pure Cerman decent
mon and biterly apposed cach other In the mater race He stated that A
particular, the Communists and Nazls deserved lo rule the world. Based e
aten lought battles in the streets No pany beliel Hiller promised to"deal"wi
could win a majority govemment. Election Jews. He blamed the Jewish peop
campalgns were ually mared by inim Germany's deleat In World War l a
idation and violence As conditions in the economic hard times that follo
Germany worsened, mone prople we
wing o lnen to the extremist volces of (antSemllam), tn the carty 192
M e Berlin 1932
Uhempleymeni han nowached 6ni
Sn half Gemayboe ople
aedbeelyeklng amein odero
eee lood ih p.
leadership of the party and beg
Hitler promised ihe German p
Hitler sw Nis chance. To Germans
nomie troublns, Hiler and the Nal party
Belee me ourmisery l cvahe
oemen ells he bies e
and couk. Pople are sonwne on mi
Nons of marts We st no rger ami
We wana diealonhp
Hiller was obsessed by haired o
Germany economk problems?
Transcribed Image Text:MOM perple in the canp are branded by nheir shaved heads We assume ihat most of them are mundered The English radio speaks of their being gassed. escupe News) called for vengeance. 2 Economle Problems Infle To finance the war Germany had bon large sume of money As a resu the bry was burdened wath a huge detn.1 oft the debt, the govermment began Ing more money But Germany's indi and businesses were not expar Instead of going into the econor prinied money and all the country'ss was ging lo pay off he debt and te reparations. The npid printing of (he basic unit of Cerman money) w The huge reparilon payments, los of supported by real economie value, colanies, and loM of teritory also made caused severe ieflation. Prices for dillcult lor the German economy to reco and services mee astronomically In the spring of 1922, about 300 could buy an American dollar. By 1. Review the main lerms ol the Treaty of 1923, R look 50 000 marks to b Versales limed under A below Deckde American dollar. Soon Cermans n which groups of people lsied under B billions of marks to pay for a p Mould be opposed to each term Why stamp. Htook a shopping bag hull of 1o pay lor the fere on a streelcar were aten caried home In wheelb The French took rich prizs of German full of almust worthless paper mc temitory west of the Rhinethe Sear liletimes saving cold become val Vengoance! 1. Define persecution What lorms of pensecution agalnat Jewish people does Anne Frank describe in her dlary? 2 f you were Anne Frank in 19M2, how would you react to these acts of persecution? day in eries the digacehTrety s belg igned De net ertThe German pecple will, with unceing labous p Adoem the place among te ationaowhich w anen hen wll eome wance le theshane ol A World War II leader Adoll Hiler? Why were Jewish peo Anne Frank was just one af the 6 million Puch as Anne Pank, so hanhly trea Jews whio died in the horible concenira Son camps of Nazl Germany Another oMing case study you can analye kory 24 million soldiers and cvillans from Protiems that contributed to the outbrek all sides-Canadian, Britiah French, Sovie. Dutch, Genman, halian, Japanese 1 The Treaty of Versallles American, and others-brought the stag ed? What was Canada's reaction? With the er alter the war, of the war Aher World War Lleaders of the victorios World War IL. What caused the world te counerles gathered to sign the Treaty of rupe into the second major confict of Versalles Some leaders, such a the American President Woodrow Miiscn, lell this euntury? How did Caneda become Imcled in yet another world wart Whae the deleated countries shauld be treated with justice and honour so that they would not want to gen revenge in the tuture Othen, including Prime Minister Lloyd n Case Study: Germany ceorge of Britain and Premier Georges rale did Canada nd Canadians play? Valley with its coal fields and the In a mater of weeka provinces of Aloce and Lorraine b) The German amy was limiled to L. Whai was the major economic p Germany taced ater the war ar After World War I 100 00. Gemany could have no sub- marines, alrerat. ot heny artilery Clemenceau ol France, also wanted to avoid another war But they became deter Ta nalyne why World War broke out, ik mined that Germany should pay for the belps to undestand the conditdons in damages done and the lives kost. They aho Germany between 1918 and 192. Whty did wanted lo ensure that Germany would the German people turm to the Na emalin weak and never wage another dev did i arise c) Gemany was requied to pay S5 bilion 2. How did the German gover aempt to solve the economic In reparations d) Germanys colonies were pacred aut 3. Who would sufter most bum int to France, Biljain, and Japon. Why The Germen Chanceller Ade Hlen Ihe Nazi pany which stressed the ing beliels: vernment should be run by the and the wealthy industry should be pevalely oMws the power of the mitary sho inerased • demoeratie govemment should t lawed There were aften Handlung lang lnepe ouide mery ature e Germeny n 1as Pric hed ared Buter fani and mony gnods ere aruree activities ol Jews and loeignerss be severely restricted (becaus Nazis belleved these hwo grop responsible for Cemanys ecor problema) I. How would e polilical and eO le instability of the counry w Hllernd the Na partys adv 2. Who (besides the government Hiller hold responsible lor Cere economik problem 3 Depresslon and Unemployment Just as the German economy was begin to scrounge food for their families. Many aing to recover from the wages of nun people were reduced to begging in the awny inlation, another disaster ruck In streets thelhited States In I09, the Mock market cnshed. This marked the beginning of the worldwide depession. Americans could eo longer afford to buy Derman manu- Sactured goods. American banks could no Jonger lend money to the German gev erement and Cerman businesses to rebuild alter World War 1. Many German busineses went bankrupt and people lost i jobs. Germany had very liufe money and could not make is repartion pay tets The shock waves of the depression who were biter about Inflarion and eco ha Germany tutl klorce. Cenmans who still had jobe saw their said scanty wages tall steadily from month to month. Uneployed mine pent the win- ler in unhealed nooms Sometimes, in de penton, they bmke through fencen at the mines to steala hew lumps of coal. In the wnods around Berlin, familes pitched tems or lived in packing crates They oruldn't attoed o pay ts in the city in . What did Hiler say was the cause of the country larmers stood with loaded niles to protect their erops and sardens Starving people eame Irom the city to try 2. a) What isa dictanoship b) What could Hiler promise the unemployedo win them over to the idea of a Naai dictalonhip Hitler Comes to Power 4 Polltical lastabllty Wih such erious economic crises lacing the countrx political leadenship as crit in 1919, Adoll Hiiler joined a sall cal to Germanys recory But the German leal group that was to become the political tem wmn badly wounded party Wiihin a short tima, he tool the economK Aller World War LGermany had more shape it lo reflect his own ideas. Ihan a doren major polical parlim. No party was strong enough ID undertake the he would get back ihe land lot huge ask of rebuilding a wartom country World War I. He promised to n The maln political partles lell Into theee Cermany to world leadenip. H general groups Communists, Soclal nounced that Aryans (Cucasians Democrats. and Natlenal Soelaliats Jewish descent and, for Hiber, parti (Nad). These groups shared lle in com y people of pure Cerman decent mon and biterly apposed cach other In the mater race He stated that A particular, the Communists and Nazls deserved lo rule the world. Based e aten lought battles in the streets No pany beliel Hiller promised to"deal"wi could win a majority govemment. Election Jews. He blamed the Jewish peop campalgns were ually mared by inim Germany's deleat In World War l a idation and violence As conditions in the economic hard times that follo Germany worsened, mone prople we wing o lnen to the extremist volces of (antSemllam), tn the carty 192 M e Berlin 1932 Uhempleymeni han nowached 6ni Sn half Gemayboe ople aedbeelyeklng amein odero eee lood ih p. leadership of the party and beg Hitler promised ihe German p Hitler sw Nis chance. To Germans nomie troublns, Hiler and the Nal party Belee me ourmisery l cvahe oemen ells he bies e and couk. Pople are sonwne on mi Nons of marts We st no rger ami We wana diealonhp Hiller was obsessed by haired o Germany economk problems?
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