Table 2. Quarks (Fermion, i.e., spin = ½) Quark Mass (MeV/c²) -5 -10 -200 -1.5x103 up, u down, d strange, s charm, c bottom, b top, t muon, μ mu neutrino, vμ tauon, T tau neutrino, VT Table 4. Baryons Baryon Table 3. Leptons (Fermion, i.e., spin = 1/2) Quark Mass (MeV/c²) electron, e 0.511 electron neutrino, ve <10-6 106 <0.17 1.78x10³ <24 proton, p anti-proton, neutron, n lambda, A omega, -4.5x10³ -1/3 ~1.8x105 +2/3 Quark Content Charge +2/3 -1/3 uud -1/3 +2/3 udd uds Sss Color Charge "red" r, "green" g. "blue" b r, g, b r, g, b r, g, b r, g, b r. g. b Charge 938 938 940 1,116 1,672 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 Mass (MeV/c²) Charge 1 -1 0 0 -1 Activity 2.1 Dissecting the Atom: Are you an acquaintance, a friend, or the surgeon? Instruction: In this activity, you will learn that the Standard Model essentially presents a more intimate picture of the atom. Do the following: 1. (Optional) Before coming to class, watch the YouTube video "The Standard Model Explains Force and Matter" (at and other videos. After this, you are no longer allowed to open any reference while doing the activity). 2. Using the information on the Standard Model given in Tables 1 to 4 below, sketch on a large sheet of paper (e.g., manila paper or whole bond paper) the structure and interaction within an atom with details as fine as describing quarks and their gauge bosons. Label the structures, such as building blocks (e.g., leptons or quarks), gauge bosons, and combinations of building blocks (e.g., neutron or proton). Include also scale bars to indicate range, label for mass, charge, and other properties, and other features that you think are relevant. 3. Take a photo and post the sketch in the forum for other groups to see and comment on. Assess each other groups for accuracy and detail. For fun, you may award to the group who made the best sketch the title "Surgeon," to the second best group the title "Friend," and to the third best the title "Acquaintance." Table 1. Interactions Force/ Interaction strong electromagnetic weak gravity Property color charge electric charge weak charge mass or energy Strength (compared to Strong Force) 1 10-² 10-5 10-38 Maximum Range (meters) 10-15 Infinity 10-18 Infinity Mediating Particles/ Exchange Particles/ Force Carriers/ Gauge Bosons (Bosons, i.e., spin = 1) gluons (g) photon (y) vector bosons (w*, w, zº) graviton (not yet observed)

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Table 2. Quarks (Fermion, i.e., spin = ½)
Mass (MeV/c²)
up, u
down, d
strange, s
charm, c
bottom, b
top, t
muon, μ
mu neutrino, vμ
tauon, T
tau neutrino, VT
Table 4. Baryons
Table 3. Leptons (Fermion, i.e., spin = 1/2)
Mass (MeV/c²)
electron, e
electron neutrino, ve
proton, p
neutron, n
lambda, A
~1.8x105 +2/3
Color Charge
"red" r, "green" g. "blue" b
r, g, b
r, g, b
r, g, b
r, g, b
r. g. b
Mass (MeV/c²) Charge
Transcribed Image Text:Table 2. Quarks (Fermion, i.e., spin = ½) Quark Mass (MeV/c²) -5 -10 -200 -1.5x103 up, u down, d strange, s charm, c bottom, b top, t muon, μ mu neutrino, vμ tauon, T tau neutrino, VT Table 4. Baryons Baryon Table 3. Leptons (Fermion, i.e., spin = 1/2) Quark Mass (MeV/c²) electron, e 0.511 electron neutrino, ve <10-6 106 <0.17 1.78x10³ <24 proton, p anti-proton, neutron, n lambda, A omega, -4.5x10³ -1/3 ~1.8x105 +2/3 Quark Content Charge +2/3 -1/3 uud -1/3 +2/3 udd uds Sss Color Charge "red" r, "green" g. "blue" b r, g, b r, g, b r, g, b r, g, b r. g. b Charge 938 938 940 1,116 1,672 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 Mass (MeV/c²) Charge 1 -1 0 0 -1
Activity 2.1
Dissecting the Atom: Are you an acquaintance, a friend, or the surgeon?
Instruction: In this activity, you will learn that the Standard Model essentially presents a
more intimate picture of the atom. Do the following:
1. (Optional) Before coming to class, watch the YouTube video "The Standard Model
Explains Force and Matter" (at and
other videos. After this, you are no longer allowed to open any reference while doing the
2. Using the information on the Standard Model given in Tables 1 to 4 below, sketch on a
large sheet of paper (e.g., manila paper or whole bond paper) the structure and interaction
within an atom with details as fine as describing quarks and their gauge bosons. Label the
structures, such as building blocks (e.g., leptons or quarks), gauge bosons, and combinations of
building blocks (e.g., neutron or proton). Include also scale bars to indicate range, label for mass,
charge, and other properties, and other features that you think are relevant.
3. Take a photo and post the sketch in the forum for other groups to see and comment on. Assess
each other groups for accuracy and detail. For fun, you may award to the group who made the
best sketch the title "Surgeon," to the second best group the title "Friend," and to the third best
the title "Acquaintance."
Table 1. Interactions
color charge
electric charge
weak charge
mass or
(compared to
Strong Force)
Mediating Particles/
Exchange Particles/
Force Carriers/ Gauge
Bosons (Bosons, i.e.,
spin = 1)
gluons (g)
photon (y)
vector bosons (w*, w, zº)
graviton (not yet
Transcribed Image Text:Activity 2.1 Dissecting the Atom: Are you an acquaintance, a friend, or the surgeon? Instruction: In this activity, you will learn that the Standard Model essentially presents a more intimate picture of the atom. Do the following: 1. (Optional) Before coming to class, watch the YouTube video "The Standard Model Explains Force and Matter" (at and other videos. After this, you are no longer allowed to open any reference while doing the activity). 2. Using the information on the Standard Model given in Tables 1 to 4 below, sketch on a large sheet of paper (e.g., manila paper or whole bond paper) the structure and interaction within an atom with details as fine as describing quarks and their gauge bosons. Label the structures, such as building blocks (e.g., leptons or quarks), gauge bosons, and combinations of building blocks (e.g., neutron or proton). Include also scale bars to indicate range, label for mass, charge, and other properties, and other features that you think are relevant. 3. Take a photo and post the sketch in the forum for other groups to see and comment on. Assess each other groups for accuracy and detail. For fun, you may award to the group who made the best sketch the title "Surgeon," to the second best group the title "Friend," and to the third best the title "Acquaintance." Table 1. Interactions Force/ Interaction strong electromagnetic weak gravity Property color charge electric charge weak charge mass or energy Strength (compared to Strong Force) 1 10-² 10-5 10-38 Maximum Range (meters) 10-15 Infinity 10-18 Infinity Mediating Particles/ Exchange Particles/ Force Carriers/ Gauge Bosons (Bosons, i.e., spin = 1) gluons (g) photon (y) vector bosons (w*, w, zº) graviton (not yet observed)