In examining the historical period from 1607 to 1789, explain the development of colonial America through the ratification of the Constitution .Focus on the African American experience. This means you need to look at change over time: who came and why, who did they encounter, how did African enslavement fit. In so doing, explain the changing notion of freedom and liberty: look specifically at how it was understood and defined throughout the colonial world in the specific ways it affected African Americans; who enjoyed it and who didn’t and WHY; what made one free and how did that definition change over time.

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In examining the historical period from 1607 to 1789, explain the development of colonial America through the ratification of the Constitution .Focus on the African American experience. This means you need to look at change over time: who came and why, who did they encounter, how did African enslavement fit. In so doing, explain the changing notion of freedom and liberty: look specifically at how it was understood and defined throughout the colonial world in the specific ways it affected African Americans; who enjoyed it and who didn’t and WHY; what made one free and how did that definition change over time.