Identify a policy Lucy could develop to reduce unpaid balances. Explain your answer.Describe two ways Lucy could communicate the implementation of this policy to her billing department. Consider how she might engage them in acting on patient accounts that are over 30 days past due.Discuss how the convenience of offering online payments could increase patient revenue.
Identify a policy Lucy could develop to reduce unpaid balances. Explain your answer.Describe two ways Lucy could communicate the implementation of this policy to her billing department. Consider how she might engage them in acting on patient accounts that are over 30 days past due.Discuss how the convenience of offering online payments could increase patient revenue.
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Your Question:
Identify a policy Lucy could develop to reduce unpaid balances. Explain your answer.
Describe two ways Lucy could communicate the implementation of this policy to her billing department. Consider how she might engage them in acting on patient accounts that are over 30 days past due.
Discuss how the convenience of offering online payments could increase patient revenue.
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