What are the Five Pillars of Islam and how do they construct "Ummah" or Unity? What other religions existed in the regions and what are the links between them? Why was Muhammad's message revolutionary? Why was he forced to leave Mecca? What kind of community did he build and did this experience differ from Christianity? (Muhammad, Khadija, Quran, Night of Power, 622 AD and the Flight to Medina, and the Hadiths)

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  1.  What are the Five Pillars of Islam and how do they construct "Ummah" or Unity? What other religions existed in the regions and what are the links between them?
  2. Why was Muhammad's message revolutionary? Why was he forced to leave Mecca? What kind of community did he build and did this experience differ from Christianity? (Muhammad, Khadija, Quran, Night of Power, 622 AD and the Flight to Medina, and the Hadiths)