Exercise 16.6.12. Given (0,0,0), Ji (1,2, 3), T2 (6, 5, 9), Üz = (4,8, 2), write down the Cartesian coordinates corresponding to the point whose barycentric соотdinales are (Tо, T1,T2, Iз). coordinates? In Cartesian coordinates? What is the center of the region in barycentric
Exercise 16.6.12. Given (0,0,0), Ji (1,2, 3), T2 (6, 5, 9), Üz = (4,8, 2), write down the Cartesian coordinates corresponding to the point whose barycentric соотdinales are (Tо, T1,T2, Iз). coordinates? In Cartesian coordinates? What is the center of the region in barycentric