epzm Ae Why dd Freedom Riders risk their Ives to chalenge inustice? Lerbe Terer I wil be aole to explain why Freedom Riders risked their ves to challenge inustice by Amotating for historical circumetances Writng a chort paragraph Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Freedom riders movement Instruction: As you read, annotate the document for the historical circumstances that led to the freedom riders The Freedom Riders African Americans struggled for decades to win legal equality. Segregation was deeply entrenched in the South. Schools, public transportation and many public places were segregated. Lawsuits to challenge segregation in schools began as early as the 1930s. They culminated in the 1954 Brown v Boɔardö of Edycation yupeme Court decțisi'on. Meganwhile,„ theŒe 1955ʻ Montgormeey Bus eBoycott ỹtooek on segregated city buses. Write your answer here During the summer of 1961, with the civil rights movement well underway, activists challenged yet another segregaątion stropngèhold: incerstate {(beóween ẵtates) bus ɛravel. Ứechnically, ớthis segợregationň was aảireẦady illegal. In 197462 the UrS. Supre:meê CourtẴ ruled in ÂMo«rgan v.į Virginia hatľ segregation in intersøtatēe trave.l was uɔncAnstitutional. Iņ 19’60, inẫ Boyntoŋ v? Virginĥia, the hgighạ court ıruled thdat iot was also blleşgal in búus termienal . Despite thes e rslings, Ẳsegregatťionó contiFued. Mɔst £Africana Americaeansế did aot challenge tradDiti'on andɖ assert üthe2ir righʻts becauseEe of thê likeliheoodx of vi♡lent white resis ance. The3 federalè go»vernment refusóed ¬to enfarce the śSudpreme tCourt rulälingzs. Students, draw anywhere on this slide! 08存0 き OO 000000
epzm Ae Why dd Freedom Riders risk their Ives to chalenge inustice? Lerbe Terer I wil be aole to explain why Freedom Riders risked their ves to challenge inustice by Amotating for historical circumetances Writng a chort paragraph Describe the historical circumstances that led to the Freedom riders movement Instruction: As you read, annotate the document for the historical circumstances that led to the freedom riders The Freedom Riders African Americans struggled for decades to win legal equality. Segregation was deeply entrenched in the South. Schools, public transportation and many public places were segregated. Lawsuits to challenge segregation in schools began as early as the 1930s. They culminated in the 1954 Brown v Boɔardö of Edycation yupeme Court decțisi'on. Meganwhile,„ theŒe 1955ʻ Montgormeey Bus eBoycott ỹtooek on segregated city buses. Write your answer here During the summer of 1961, with the civil rights movement well underway, activists challenged yet another segregaątion stropngèhold: incerstate {(beóween ẵtates) bus ɛravel. Ứechnically, ớthis segợregationň was aảireẦady illegal. In 197462 the UrS. Supre:meê CourtẴ ruled in ÂMo«rgan v.į Virginia hatľ segregation in intersøtatēe trave.l was uɔncAnstitutional. Iņ 19’60, inẫ Boyntoŋ v? Virginĥia, the hgighạ court ıruled thdat iot was also blleşgal in búus termienal . Despite thes e rslings, Ẳsegregatťionó contiFued. Mɔst £Africana Americaeansế did aot challenge tradDiti'on andɖ assert üthe2ir righʻts becauseEe of thê likeliheoodx of vi♡lent white resis ance. The3 federalè go»vernment refusóed ¬to enfarce the śSudpreme tCourt rulälingzs. Students, draw anywhere on this slide! 08存0 き OO 000000