Discuss the legal principles which apply to the following business situations: a) A council officer advises a motorist that parking in a particular street is permitted. In fact, the street is a clearway with no parking permitted and the motorist’s car is towed away and a substantial fine imposed. b) A food manufacturer is warned by a radical political group that ground glass has been placed in certain cans of baked beans. Treating the warning as a prank, the manufacturer does nothing, but a consumer is injured when eating beans from a can which has been tampered with.

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Discuss the legal principles which apply to the following business situations:
a) A council officer advises a motorist that parking in a particular street is permitted. In fact, the street is a clearway with no parking permitted and the motorist’s car is towed away and a substantial fine imposed.
b) A food manufacturer is warned by a radical political group that ground glass has been placed in certain cans of baked beans. Treating the warning as a prank, the manufacturer does nothing, but a consumer is injured when eating beans from a can which has been tampered with.
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