Consider a dataset consisting of 610 males involved in a study of coronary heart disease. The outcome variable is CHD status (1 = case, 0 = noncase), the exposure variable of interest is CAT which is a dichotomous variable that indicates high (coded 1) or normal (coded 0) catecholamine level. The only other variables recorded in the data set are AGE (1 = age > 55, 0 = age ≤ 55) and ECG (1 = abnormal, 0 = normal). The dataset involving the above variables is given as follows: a) Is data listing described above in events/trials format or in subject-specific format? Explain briefly. (b) Show that the saturated model yields the same probability of having CHD for those with covariate profile AGE = 1, CAT = 0, and ECG = 1 as that computed directly from the data. (c) Conduct an appropriate goodness-of-fit test to determine if the model adequately fits the data. As given in the SAS code above, the model is a full model with all main effects and interactions (both two way and three way interactions). A main effect model can be obtained from SAS by this model statement – model cases/total = AGE CAT ECG / cl;​Perform a hypothesis test to see if the interactions (including all of the two-way and the three-way​Interactions) help with the model using a likelihood ratio test (LRT) to compare the full model and the main effect model using alpha of 0.05.

Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra (MindTap Course List)
6th Edition
Author:Bruce Crauder, Benny Evans, Alan Noell
Publisher:Bruce Crauder, Benny Evans, Alan Noell
Chapter5: A Survey Of Other Common Functions
Section5.3: Modeling Data With Power Functions
Problem 3TU
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Consider a dataset consisting of 610 males involved in a study of coronary heart disease. The outcome variable is CHD status (1 = case, 0 = noncase), the exposure variable of interest is CAT which is a dichotomous variable that indicates high (coded 1) or normal (coded 0) catecholamine level. The only other variables recorded in the data set are AGE (1 = age > 55, 0 = age ≤ 55) and ECG (1 = abnormal, 0 = normal). The dataset involving the above variables is given as follows: a) Is data listing described above in events/trials format or in subject-specific format? Explain briefly. (b) Show that the saturated model yields the same probability of having CHD for those with covariate profile AGE = 1, CAT = 0, and ECG = 1 as that computed directly from the data. (c) Conduct an appropriate goodness-of-fit test to determine if the model adequately fits the data. As given in the SAS code above, the model is a full model with all main effects and interactions (both two way and three way interactions). A main effect model can be obtained from SAS by this model statement – model cases/total = AGE CAT ECG / cl; ​Perform a hypothesis test to see if the interactions (including all of the two-way and the three-way ​Interactions) help with the model using a likelihood ratio test (LRT) to compare the full model and the main effect model using alpha of 0.05.
Output from SAS - full model (including interactions)
Criterion Intercept Only
AIC 448.851
SC 453.264
-2 Log L 446.851
Model Fit Statistics
Output from SAS - reduced model (without interaction)
AIC 448.851
SC 453.264
-2 Log L 446.851
Intercept and Covariates
Log Likelihood Full Log Likelihood
Criterion Intercept Only
Model Fit Statistics
Log Likelihood Full Log Likelihood
Transcribed Image Text:Output from SAS - full model (including interactions) Criterion Intercept Only AIC 448.851 SC 453.264 -2 Log L 446.851 Model Fit Statistics Output from SAS - reduced model (without interaction) AIC 448.851 SC 453.264 -2 Log L 446.851 Intercept and Covariates Log Likelihood Full Log Likelihood 438.648 44.990 473.955 80.297 422.648 28.990 Criterion Intercept Only Model Fit Statistics Intercept Covariates Log Likelihood Full Log Likelihood 432.352 38.694 450.006 56.348 424.352 30.694
data datal;
input cases total CAT AGE ECG;
17 275 000
15 121 0 1 0
7 59 0 0 1
5 32 0 1 1
1 8 1 0 0
10 40 1 1 0
4 17 1 0 1
14 58 1 1 1
We are interested in the following logistic model:
The saturated model is obtained in SAS by:
proc logistic data = datal;
class CAT (ref = '0') / param =
'0') / param
class ECG (ref = '0') / param =
model cases/total = AGE CAT ECG
/ cl;
class AGE (ref =
π = P(CHD, 1| AGE,, CAT, ECG,)
logit(x) = B₁ + B, AGE, + ß₂CAT, + ß₂ECG,
Parameter Estimates and Wald Confidence Intervals
Estimate 95% Confidence Limits
-2.7197 -3.2104 -2.2289
0.7643 0.0341
0.7738 -1.3782
11 0.0831 -2.2483
1 0.7143 -0.2149
AGE ECG 11-0.4454 -1.8829 0.9921
CAT*ECG 11 0.0530 -2.4984 2.6044
CAT AGE ECG111-0.3685 -3.2988
Transcribed Image Text:data datal; input cases total CAT AGE ECG; cards; 17 275 000 15 121 0 1 0 7 59 0 0 1 5 32 0 1 1 1 8 1 0 0 10 40 1 1 0 4 17 1 0 1 14 58 1 1 1 ; run; We are interested in the following logistic model: The saturated model is obtained in SAS by: proc logistic data = datal; class CAT (ref = '0') / param = '0') / param class ECG (ref = '0') / param = model cases/total = AGE CAT ECG CAT AGE ECG AGE CAT ECG CAT AGE*ECG / cl; ref; class AGE (ref = ref; π = P(CHD, 1| AGE,, CAT, ECG,) logit(x) = B₁ + B, AGE, + ß₂CAT, + ß₂ECG, ref; run; Parameter Estimates and Wald Confidence Intervals Parameter Estimate 95% Confidence Limits Intercept -2.7197 -3.2104 -2.2289 AGE 0.7643 0.0341 1.4945 CAT 11 0.7738 -1.3782 2.9258 CAT AGE 11 0.0831 -2.2483 2.4146 1 0.7143 -0.2149 1.6436 ECG AGE ECG 11-0.4454 -1.8829 0.9921 CAT*ECG 11 0.0530 -2.4984 2.6044 CAT AGE ECG111-0.3685 -3.2988 2.5617
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