Comprehension 1. According to Wollstonecraft, what are women told from their infancy? They are told that a little Type Here Knowledge of human weakness, ustly termed Cunning Softness of Temper outwand obediénce and properéty wll oblbin them from protechon of Man. 2. While men are prepared for the future, what does the author say women are advísed to provide for? Type Here wmen mly provide fir the Dresent Because to she 3. Why, according to Wollstonecraft, is it "masculine for a woman to be melancholy"? Type Here S created to be the toy of his rattle and t in his tars Whenever he Cho D4 many in his ears Whenever he chooses o Vbe amused- must 4. What does she say keeps women from working at meaningful jobs? What results from this fact? Type Here Critical Thinking 1. In the first paragraph, Wollstonecraft writes the "outward obedience" helps women to win the protec- tion of men. What can you infer from her emphasis on outward? Туре Here 2. What can you conclude about Wollstonecraft's attitude toward feminine beauty? -Туре Неre
Comprehension 1. According to Wollstonecraft, what are women told from their infancy? They are told that a little Type Here Knowledge of human weakness, ustly termed Cunning Softness of Temper outwand obediénce and properéty wll oblbin them from protechon of Man. 2. While men are prepared for the future, what does the author say women are advísed to provide for? Type Here wmen mly provide fir the Dresent Because to she 3. Why, according to Wollstonecraft, is it "masculine for a woman to be melancholy"? Type Here S created to be the toy of his rattle and t in his tars Whenever he Cho D4 many in his ears Whenever he chooses o Vbe amused- must 4. What does she say keeps women from working at meaningful jobs? What results from this fact? Type Here Critical Thinking 1. In the first paragraph, Wollstonecraft writes the "outward obedience" helps women to win the protec- tion of men. What can you infer from her emphasis on outward? Туре Here 2. What can you conclude about Wollstonecraft's attitude toward feminine beauty? -Туре Неre