The chorus of "After the Ball" most clearly describes which of these? O The feeling of triumph and relief one might feel upon finally meeting their true love. The flowing and graceful movements of the dancers as they move to the music at the after-party following the end of the ball. O How disappointed people feel after the ball is over. How different the dancers look after they change from their ball gowns and tuxedoes into everyday work clothes.

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Charles K. Harris, “After the Ball” (1892) Question

The chorus of "After the Ball" most clearly describes which of these?
O The feeling of triumph and relief one might feel upon finally meeting their true love.
The flowing and graceful movements of the dancers as they move to the music at the after-party
following the end of the ball.
O How disappointed people feel after the ball is over.
How different the dancers look after they change from their ball gowns and tuxedoes into
everyday work clothes.
Transcribed Image Text:The chorus of "After the Ball" most clearly describes which of these? O The feeling of triumph and relief one might feel upon finally meeting their true love. The flowing and graceful movements of the dancers as they move to the music at the after-party following the end of the ball. O How disappointed people feel after the ball is over. How different the dancers look after they change from their ball gowns and tuxedoes into everyday work clothes.