b) Design a MOSFET NOR circuit
MOSFET: Metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) is an acronym for a metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor. It has a MOS construction and is a field-effect transistor. MOSFETs are typically three-terminal devices with gate (G), drain (D), and source (S) connections. A voltage applied to the gate (G) terminal controls current conduction between the drain (D) and the source (S). In terms of relative high-speed and low-loss operation, MOSFETs outperform bipolar transistors. By channel polarity, there are P and N types, and by the control mechanism, there are enhancement and depletion types with normally off (gate voltage 0 V off) and normally on (deactivated with gate voltage 0 V). The enhancement kind is well-liked.
The NOR gate is a digital logic gate that implements logical NOR; it acts in accordance with the truth table on the right. If both inputs to the gate are LOW (0), a HIGH output (1) is produced; if one or both inputs are HIGH (1), a LOW output (0) is produced. The negation of the OR operator results in NOR.
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