a) Microprocessors are the most-complicated ICs. They are composed of billions of transistors that have been configured as thousands of individual digital circuits, each of which performs some specific logic 5 function. A microprocessor is built entirely of these logic circuits synchronized to each other. Microprocessor employs data and instructions to enable him to communication with man. In your own words and understanding explain how the microprocessor differentiates between data and instruction? b)In computer architecture, a bus is a communication system that transfers data between components inside a computer, or between computers. This expression covers all related hardware components and software, including communication protocols. These buses are data buses, control buses and address buses. Data and control buses are bi – directional while address bus is unidirectional. In your own words would you explain why microprocessor address bus is unidirectional and design their diagram.?
a) Microprocessors are the most-complicated ICs. They are composed of
billions of transistors that have been configured as thousands of
individual digital circuits, each of which performs some specific logic 5
function. A microprocessor is built entirely of these logic circuits
synchronized to each other. Microprocessor employs data and
instructions to enable him to communication with man. In your own
words and understanding explain how the microprocessor differentiates
between data and instruction?
b)In computer architecture, a bus is a communication system that transfers
data between components inside a computer, or between computers. This
expression covers all related hardware components and software, including
communication protocols. These buses are data buses, control buses and
address buses. Data and control buses are bi – directional while address bus is unidirectional. In your own words would you explain why microprocessor address bus is unidirectional and design their diagram.?
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