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Jacob A. Riis (1849–1914). Theodore Roosevelt, the Citizen. 1904.

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AMERICAN IDEALS, AND OTHER ESSAYS. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York 1897


Biographical Sketch, by Gen. F. V. Greene.

American Ideals. Forum 1895

True Americanism. Forum 1894

The Manly Virtues and Practical Politics. Forum 1894

The College Graduate and Public Life. Atlantic 1894

Phases of State Legislation. Century 1885

Machine Politics in New York City. Century 1886

The Vice-Presidency and the Campaign of ’96. Review of Reviews 1896


Six Years of Civil Service Reform. Scribner’s 1895

Administering the New York Police Force. Atlantic Monthly 1897

How Not to Help Our Poorer Brother. Review of Reviews 1897

The Monroe Doctrine. Bachelor of Arts 1896

Washington’s Forgotten Maxim. Address, Naval War College, June 1897

National Life and Character. Sewance Review 1894