William Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914.
Dramatis Personæ.Loves Labours Lost
- F
ERDINAND, King of Navarre.- B
EROWNE, LONGAVILLE, DUMAINE, Lords, attending on the King.- B
OYET, MARCADE, Lords, attending on the Princess of France.- D
ON ADRIANO DE ARMADO, a fantastical Spaniard.- S
IR NATHANIEL, a Curate.- H
OLOFERNES, a Schoolmaster.- D
ULL, a Constable.- C
OSTARD, a Clown.- M
OTH, Page to Armado.- A Forester.
- The P
RINCESS of France.- R
OSALINE, MARIA, KATHARINE, Ladies, attending on the Princess.- J
AQUENETTA, a country Wench. - B
Officers and Others, Attendants on the King and Princess.
SCENE. —Navarre.