Edward Farr, ed. Select Poetry of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1845.
Sonnet XIVV. Barnaby Barnes
And please thy gracious eares, from my soule sent,
Even as those sweete perfumes of incense went
From our forefathers’ altars: who didst lend
Thy nostrils to that mirrh which they did send,
Even as I now crave thine eares to be lent.
My soule, my soule, is wholy, wholy bent
To do thee condigne service, and amend;
To flie for refuge to thy wounded brest,
To sucke the balme of my salvation thence;
In sweete repose to take eternall rest,
As thy child folded in thine armes’ defence:—
But then my flesh, methought by Sathan firde,
Said my proud sinfull soule in vain aspirde.