
Home  »  Poetica Erotica  »  The Hasty Bridegroom

T. R. Smith, comp. Poetica Erotica: Rare and Curious Amatory Verse. 1921–22.

The Hasty Bridegroom

Or, The Rarest Sport That Hath Been Try’d between a Lusty Bridgeroom and His Bride

(From Roxburgh Ballads, 1674–81, ii. 208)

COME from the Temple, away to the Bed,
As the Merchant transports home his Treasure;
Be not so coy, Lady, since we are wed,
  ’Tis no Sin to taste of the Pleasure:
      Then come let us be blithe, merry and free,        5
  Upon my life all the waiters are gone;
      And ’tis so, that they know where you go, say not No.
  For I mean to make bold with my own.
What is it to me, though our Hands joined be,
  If our Bodies are still kept asunder?        10
Shall it be said, ‘there goes a marry’d Maid’?
  Indeed we will have no such wonder:
      Therefore let’s embrace, there’s none sees thy face,
  The Bride-Maids that waited are gone;
      None can spy how you lie, ne’er deny, but say ‘Ay!’,        15
  For I mean to make bold with my own.
Then come let us Kiss, and taste of that bliss,
  Which brave Lords and Ladies enjoy’d;
If Maidens should be of the humour of thee,
  Generations would soon be destroy’d:        20
      Then where were those Joys, the Girls and the Boys?
  Would’st live in the World all alone?
      Don’t destroy, but enjoy seem not Coy for a Toy,
  For indeed I’ll make bold with my own.
Sweet Love do not frown, but put off thy gown,        25
  ’Tis a Garment unfit for the Night;
Some say that Black hath a relishing smack,
  I had rather be dealing in White:
      Then be not afraid, for you are not betray’d,
  Since we [two] are together alone;        30
      I invite you this Night, to do right, my delight,
  Is forthwith to make use of my own.
Prithee begin, don’t delay, but unpin,
  For my humour I cannot prevent it;
You are [so] straight-lac’d, and your Georgette’s so fast,        35
  Undo it, or I straight will rend it:
      Or to end all the strife, I’ll cut it a Knife,
  ’Tis too long to stay ’til it’s undone;
      Let thy Waist be unlac’d, and in haste be embrac’d,
  For I do long to make bold with my own.        40
Feel with your hand how you make me to stand,
  Even ready to starve in the cold,
Oh, why should’st thou be so hard-hearted to me,
  That loves thee more dear[ly] than gold?
      And as thou hast been, like fair Venus the Queen,        45
  Most pleasant in thy parts every one,
      Let me find that thy mind is inclin’d to be kind,
  So that I may make bold with my own.
As thou art fair, and more sweet than the air,
  That dallies on July’s brave Roses;        50
Now let me be to that Garden a Key,
  That the Flowers of Virgins incloses:
      And I will not be too rough unto thee,
  For my Nature unto boldness is prone;
      Do no less than undress, and unlace all apace,        55
  For this Night I’ll make use with my own.
When I have found thee temperate and sound,
  Thy sweet breast I will make for my pillow,
’Tis pity that we, which newly married be,
  Should be forced to wear the green willow;        60
      We shall be blest and live sweetly at rest,
  Now we are united in one:
      With content and consent I am bent, my intent
  Is this Night to make use of my own.
Welcome, dear love, all the powers above
  Are well pleased of our happy meeting;
The Heavens have decreed, and the Earth’s agreed,
  That I should embrace my own sweeting.
      At bed and at board both in deed and in word,
  My affection to thee shall be shown:        70
      Thou art mine, I am thine, let us join, and combine,
  I’ll not bar thee from what is thy own.
Our Bride-bed’s made, thou shalt be my comrade,
  For to lodge in my arms all the night,
Where thou shalt enjoy, being free from annoy        75
  All the sports wherein love takes delight.
      Our mirth shall be crown’d, and our triumph renown’d,
  Then sweetheart let thy valor be shown,
      Take thy fill, do thy will, use thy skill, welcome still,
  Why should’st thou not make bold with thy own?        80
The Bridegroom and Bride, with much joy on each side,
  Then together to bed they did go,
But what they did there, I did neither see nor hear,
  Nor do I desire not to know,
      But by Cupid’s aid, they being well laid,        85
  They made sport by themselves all alone,
      Being plac’d, and unlac’d, He uncas’d, she embrac’d,
  Then he stoutly made bold with his own.