Pierre Corneille (1606–1684). Polyeucte.
The Harvard Classics. 1909–14.
- F
ELIX, Roman senator, Governor of Armenia. - P
OLYEUCTE, an Armenian noble, son-in-law to Felix. - S
EVERUS, a Roman Knight, favourite of the Emperor Decius. - N
EARCHUS, an Armenian noble, friend to Polyeucte. - P
AULINE, daughter to Felix, wife to Polyeucte. - S
TRATONICE, companion to Pauline. - A
LBIN, friend to Felix. - F
ABIAN, servant to Severus. - C
LEON, friend to Felix. - T
HREE GUARDS. - The Scene is at Melitena, capital of Armenia.
- The action takes place in the Palace of Felix.