Turquoise marge, into the sunset’s, 850. |
Turrets of the land, 689. |
Turtle, love of the, 549. voice of the, is heard, 1024. |
Tut tut child, 781. |
Twa bairns and but ae heart, 587. bairns at scule, 587. did part, ’t was then we, 587. |
Twain have been tied up together, 684. have met like the ships, we, 775. henceforward, betwixt us, 679. if, be away, 6, 17. in faith in love agree, 651. never the, shall meet, 852. |
Twal, short hours ayont the, 446. |
Tweed, at York ’t is on the, 318. |
Tweedledum and Tweedledee, 351. |
Twelve, Cristes lore and his apostles, 2. good men into a box, 528. good rules, the, 398. honest men have decided, 859. in the sworn, 47. miles from a lemon, 460. stout miles, might travel, 472. tongue of midnight hath told, 59. |
Twenty bokes clothed in black, 1. days are now, long as, 470. kiss me sweet and, 75. miles away, and Sheridan, 751. more such names, 72. mortal murders, 122. pounds, annual income, 701. short summers ago, nineteen or, 750. will not come again, 842. worlds, should conquer, 181. |
Twenty-one, in the confidence of, 376. the minor pants for, 329. |
Twice read, what is, 369. three thousand years, the scroil of, 785. |
Twice-told tale, life is tedious as a, 79, 345. |
Twickenham Town, but a penny to, 831. |
Twig is bent, just as the, 320. |
Twilight a timid fawn, 855. dews are falling fast, 524. dews, no, 493. disastrous, 225. fair, as stars of, 474. gray in sober livery, 233. lets her curtain down, 591. of the heart, an evening, 562. repairing, when at, 515. soft and dim, 869. spirit that dost render, 653. |
Twilights, her dusky hair like, 474. |
Twilight’s curtain, 591. |
Twilight-land, in, 798. |
Twin brethren, great, 604. happiness was born a, 557. of heathen hate, looked the, 682. |
Twins even from the birth, 343. |
Twin-born of devotion, despair the, 805. |
Twinkling of a star, but the, 214. |
Twinkling of an eye, in the, 62, 1033. |
Twisted and dried, 853. |
Twitch quick as lightning, 214. |
Twitters, chirps and, 799. |
’Twixt pain and nothing tost, 790. two boundless seas, 525. |
Two are walking apart forever, 749. clouds at morning, I saw, 578. ears but only one mouth, given, 628. eternities, past and future, 525. good honest hands, 842. handles, everything hath, 932. hands upon the breast, 765. heads better than one, 12. hearts in one, 968. hearts that beat as one, 992. hundred feet of hell, gun-deck, 748. hurrying shapes, 795. irons in the fire, 196. lives that once part are as ships, 631. lovely berries on one stem, 58. narrow words hic jacet, 27. nations, privileged and people, 627. of a trade can never agree, 349. of that, trick worth, 84. oh that we, were Maying, 728. old chairs and half a candle, 703. owls and a hen, 703. pale feet crossed in rest, 765. sides to every question, 951. single gentlemen rolled in one, 454. souls with a single thought, 992. strings to his bow, 15. things stand like stone, 783. towers of sail at dawn, 727. truths are told, 116. voices are there, 478. we have, lives about us, 763. were lying, would that we, 728. worlds in which we dwell, 763. |
Two-and-seventy stenches, 503. |
Twofold image, we saw a, 481. |
Two-handed engine, 247. |
Two-headed Janus, 59. |
Two-legged animal, man is a, 949. thing a son, 267. |
Tying her bonnet under her chin, 781. |
Type, careful of the, 675. of human nature, the highest, 773. of the wise who soar, 485. of thee, Ferdinand Mendez Pinto was but a, 294. |
Types, device of movable, 584. of things, loose, 473. |
Typical of strife, clubs, 420. |
Tyrannous to use it like a giant, 48. |
Tyranny begins, where law ends, 364. |
Tyrant, beautiful, 107. custom, the, 151. fear that reigns with the, 642. like intemperance, world has no, 634. of his fields, 385. |
Tyrants, be wasted for, 525. ever sworn the foe to, 459. from policy, kings will be, 410. ’gainst, its symbols know, 748. necessity the argument of, 453. rebellion to, 1051. |