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James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.

Even weak men to Every tear

Even weak men when united are powerful.Schiller.

Evêque d’or, crosse de bois; crosse d’or, évêque de bois—Bishop of gold, staff of wood; bishop of wood, staff of gold.French Proverb.

Ever, as of old, the thing a man will do is the thing he feels commanded to do.Carlyle.

Ever charming, ever new, / When will the landscape tire the view?John Dyer.

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.St. Paul.

Evermore thanks, the exchequer of the poor.Richard II., ii. 3.

Ever must pain urge us to labour, and only in free effort can any blessedness be imagined for us.Carlyle.

Ever must the sovereign of mankind be fitly entitled king, i.e., the man who kens and can.Carlyle.

Ever since Adam’s time fools have been in the majority.Casimir Delavigne.

Ever take it for granted that man collectively wishes that which is right; but take care never to think so of one!Schiller.

Every absurdity has a champion to defend it; for error is talkative.Goldsmith.

Every action is measured by the depth of the sentiment from which it proceeds.Emerson.

Every advantage has its tax, but there is none on the good of virtue; that is the incoming of God himself, or absolute existence.Emerson.

Every age regards the dawning of new light as the destroying fire of morality; while that very age itself, with heart uninjured, finds itself raised one degree of light above the preceding.Jean Paul.

Every attempt to crush an insurrection with means inadequate to the end foments instead of suppressing it.C. Fox.

Every author, in some degree, portrays himself in his works, be it even against his will.Goethe.

Every base occupation makes one sharp in its practice and dull in every other.Sir P. Sidney.

Every bean has its black.Proverb.

Every beginning is cheerful; the threshold is the place of expectation.Goethe.

Every beloved object is the centre of a paradise.Novalis.

Every being is a moving temple of the Infinite.Jean Paul.

Everybody is wise after the event.Proverb.

Everybody knows that fanaticism is religion caricatured; yet with many, contempt of fanaticism is received as a sure sign of hostility to religion.Whipple.

Everybody knows that government never began anything. It is the whole world that thinks and governs.W. Phillips.

Everybody likes and respects self-made men. It is a great deal better to be made in that way than not to be made at all.Holmes.

Everybody says it, and what everybody says must be true.J. F. Cooper.

Everybody’s business in the social system is to be agreeable.Dickens.

Everybody’s business is nobody’s.Proverb.

Everybody’s friend is nobody’s.Proverb.

Every book is good to read which sets the reader in a working mood.Emerson.

Every book is written with a constant secret reference to the few intelligent persons whom the writer believes to exist in the million.Emerson.

Every brave life out of the past does not appear to us so brave as it really was, for the forms of terror with which it wrestled are now overthrown.Jean Paul.

Every brave man is a man of his word.Corneille.

Every brave youth is in training to ride and rule his dragon.Emerson.

Every bullet has its billet.Proverb.

Every Calvary has its Olivet.H. Giles.

Every capability, however slight, is born with us; there is no vague general capability in man.Goethe.

Every child is to a certain extent a genius, and every genius is to a certain extent a child.Schopenhauer.

Every cloud engenders not a storm.3 Henry VI., v. 3.

Every cloud that spreads above / And veileth love, itself is love.Tennyson.

Every cock is proud on his own dunghill.Proverb.

Every conceivable society may well be figured as properly and wholly a Church, in one or other of these three predicaments: an audibly preaching and prophesying Church, which is the best; a Church that struggles to preach and prophesy, but cannot as yet till its Pentecost come; a Church gone dumb with old age, or which only mumbles delirium prior to dissolution.Carlyle.

Every cottage should have its porch, its oven, and its tank.Disraeli.

Every couple is not a pair.Proverb.

Every craw thinks her ain bird whitest.Scotch Proverb.

Every creature can bear well-being except man.Gaelic Proverb.

Every crime has in the moment of its perpetration its own avenging angel.Schiller.

Every day hath its night, every weal its woe.Proverb.

Every day in thy life is a leaf in thy history.Arabian Proverb.

Every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday.Emerson.

Every day should be spent by us as if it were to be our last.Publius Syrus.

Every department of knowledge passes successively through three stages: the theological, or fictitious; the metaphysical, or abstract; and the scientific, or positive.Comte.

Every desire bears its death in its very gratification.W. Irving.

Every desire is a viper in the bosom, who, when he was chill, was harmless, but when warmth gave him strength, exerted it in poison.Johnson.

Every dog must have his day.Swift.

Every door may be shut but death’s door.Proverb.

Every established religion was once a heresy.Buckle.

Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him.Holmes.

Every evil to which we do not succumb is a benefactor; we gain the strength of the temptation we resist.Emerson.

Every excess causes a defect; every deficit, an excess. Every sweet has its sour; every evil, its good. Every faculty which is a receiver of pleasure has an equal penalty put on its abuse.Emerson.

Every experiment, by multitudes or by individuals, that has a sensual and selfish aim, will fail.Emerson.

Every faculty is conserved and increased by its appropriate exercise.Epictetus.

Every fancy that we would substitute for a reality is, if we saw it aright and saw the whole, not only false, but every way less beautiful and excellent than that which we sacrifice to it.J. Sterling.

Every flood has its ebb.Dutch Proverb.

Every fool thinks himself clever enough.Danish Proverb.

Every fool will be meddling.Bible.

Every foot will tread on him who is in the mud.Gaelic Proverb.

Every form of freedom is hurtful, except that which delivers us over to perfect command of ourselves.Goethe.

Every form of human life is romantic.T. W. Higginson.

Every fresh acquirement is another remedy against affliction and time.Willmott.

Every friend is to the other a sun and a sunflower also; he attracts and follows.Jean Paul.

Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the herd.Thoreau.

Every generous action loves the public view, yet no theatre for virtue is equal to a consciousness of it.Cicero.

Every genius has most power in his own language, and every heart in its own religion.Jean Paul.

Every genius is defended from approach by quantities of unavailableness.Emerson.

Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun.Emerson.

Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great if it be given with affection.Pindar.

Every good act is charity. A man’s true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows.Mahomet.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.St. James.

Every good gift comes from God.Proverb.

Every good picture is the best of sermons and lectures: the sense informs the soul.Sydney Smith.

Every good writer has much idiom; it is the life and spirit of language.Landor.

Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm.Emerson.

Every great and original writer, in proportion as he is great or original, must himself create the taste by which he is to be relished.Wordsworth.

Every great book is an action, and every great action is a book.Luther.

Every great genius has a special vocation, and when he has fulfilled it, he is no longer needed.Goethe.

Every great man is unique.Emerson.

Every great mind seeks to labour for eternity. All men are captivated by immediate advantages; great minds alone are excited by the prospect of distant good.Schiller.

Every great poem is in itself limited by necessity, but in its suggestions unlimited and infinite.Longfellow.

Every great reform which has been effected has consisted, not in doing something new, but in undoing something old.Buckle.

Every great writer is a writer of history, let him treat on almost what subject he may. He carries with him for thousands of years a portion of his times; and, indeed, if only his own effigy were there, it would be greatly more than a fragment of his century.Landor.

Every healthy effort is directed from the inward to the outward world.Goethe.

Every heart knows its own bitterness.Proverb.

Every hero becomes a bore at last.Emerson.

Every heroic act measures itself by its contempt of some external good; but it finds its own success at last, and then the prudent also extol.Emerson.

Every honest miller has a golden thumb.Proverb.

Every hour has its end.Scott.

Every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God.St. Paul.

Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to be what no other is, to do what no other can.Channing.

Every human feeling is greater and larger than the exciting cause—a proof, I think, that man is designed for a higher state of existence.Coleridge.

Every idea must have a visible unfolding.Victor Hugo.

Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.Jesus.

Every inch a king.King Lear, iv. 6.

Every inch of joy has an ell of annoy.Scotch Proverb.

Every individual colour makes on men an impression of its own, and thereby reveals its nature to the eye as well as the mind.Goethe.

Every individual nature has its own beauty.Emerson.

Every inordinate cup is unbless’d, and the ingredient is a devil.Othello, ii. 3.

Every joy that comes to us is only to strengthen us for some greater labour that is to succeed.Fichte.

Every knave is a thorough knave, and a thorough knave is a knave throughout.Berkeley.

Every light has its shadow.Proverb.

Every little fish expects to become a whale.Danish Proverb.

Every little helps.Proverb.

Every little helps, as the sow said when she snapt at a gnat.Danish Proverb.

Every loving woman is a priestess of the past.Amiel.

Every man alone is sincere; at the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.Emerson.

Every man as an individual is secondary to what he is as a worker for the progress of his kind and the glory of the gift allotted to him.Stedman.

Every man can build a chapel in his breast, himself the priest, his heart the sacrifice, and the earth he treads on the altar.Jeremy Taylor.

Every man can guide an ill wife but him that has her.Scotch Proverb.

Every man carries an enemy in his own bosom.Danish Proverb.

Every man carries within him a potential madman.Carlyle.

Every man deems that he has precisely the trials and temptations which are the hardest to bear; but they are so because they are the very ones he needs.Jean Paul.

Every man desires to live long, but no man would be old.Swift.

Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.Lowell.

Every man has a bag hanging before him in which he puts his neighbour’s faults, and another behind him in which he stows his own.Coriolanus, ii. 1.

Every man has a goose that lays golden eggs, if he only knew it.American Proverb.

Every man has at times in his mind the ideal of what he should be, but is not. In all men that really seek to improve, it is better than the actual character.Theo. Parker.

Every man hath business and desire, / Such as it is.Hamlet, i. 5.

Every man has his fault, and honesty is his.Timon of Athens, iii. 1.

Every man has his lot, and the wide world before him.Danish Proverb.

Every man has his own style, just as he has his own nose.Lessing.

Every man has his weak side.Proverb.

Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy is he who acts the Columbus to his own soul.Sir J. Stephens.

Every man has just as much vanity as he wants understanding.Pope.

Every man hath a good and a bad angel attending on him in particular all his life long.Burton.

Every man, however good he may be, has a still better man dwelling in him which is properly himself, but to whom nevertheless he is often unfaithful. It is to this interior and less unstable being that we should attach ourselves, not to the changeable every-day man.W. von Humboldt.

Every man in his lifetime needs to thank his faults.Emerson.

Every man is an impossibility until he is born; everything impossible till we see it a success.Emerson.

Every man is a quotation from all his ancestors.Emerson.

Every man is a rascal as soon as he is sick.Johnson.

Every man is exceptional.Emerson.

Every man is his own greatest dupe.A. B. Alcott.

Every man is not so much a workman in the world as he is a suggestion of that he should be. Men walk as prophecies of the next age.Emerson.

Every man is the architect of his own fortune.Sallust.

Every man must carry his own sack to the mill.Danish Proverb.

Every man must in a measure be alone in the world. No heart was ever cast in the same mould as that which we bear within us.Berne.

Every man of sound brain whom you meet knows something worth knowing better than yourself.Bulwer Lytton.

Every man ought to have his opportunity to conquer the world for himself.Emerson.

Every man rejoices twice when he has a partner of his joy.Jeremy Taylor.

Every man seeks the truth, but God only knows who has found it.Chesterfield.

Every man shall bear his own burden.St. Paul.

Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.Bible.

Every man should study conciseness in speaking; it is a sign of ignorance not to know that long speeches, though they may please the speaker, are the torture of the hearer.Feltham.

Every man stamps his value on himself. The price we challenge for ourselves is given us.Schiller.

Every man takes care that his neighbour shall not cheat him.Emerson.

Every man acts truly so long as he acts his nature, or some way makes good the faculties in himself.Sir Thomas Browne.

Every man turns his dreams into realities as far as he can. Man is cold as ice to the truth, but as fire to falsehood.La Fontaine.

Every man who observes vigilantly and resolves steadfastly grows unconsciously into a genius.Bulwer Lytton.

Every man who strikes blows for power, for influence, for institutions, for the right, must be just as good an anvil as he is a hammer.J. G. Holland.

Every man who would do anything well must come to us from a higher ground.Emerson.

Every man willingly gives value to the praise which he receives, and considers the sentence passed in his favour as the sentence of discernment.Johnson.

Every man, within that inconsiderable figure of his, contains a whole spirit-kingdom and reflex of the All; and, though to the eye but some six standard feet in size, reaches downwards and upwards, unsurveyable, fading into the regions of immensity and eternity.Carlyle.

Every man without passions has within him no principle of action nor motive to act.Helvetius.

Every man’s blind in his ain cause.Scotch Proverb.

Every man’s destiny is in his own hands.Sydney Smith.

Every man’s follies are the caricature resemblances of his wisdom.J. Sterling.

Every man’s life lies within the present.Marcus Antoninus.

Every man’s man has a man, and that gar’d the Tarve (a Douglas Castle) fa’.Scotch Proverb.

Every man’s own reason is his best Œdipus.Sir Thomas Browne.

Every man’s powers have relation to some kind of work, and wherever he finds that kind of work which he can do best, he finds that by which he can best build up or make his manhood.J. G. Holland.

Every man’s reason is every man’s oracle.Bolingbroke.

Every moment, as it passes, is of infinite value, for it is the representative of a whole eternity.Goethe.

Every moment instructs, and every object, for wisdom is infused into every form. It has been poured into us as blood; it convulsed us as pain; it slid into us as pleasure.Emerson.

Every morsel to a satisfied hunger is only a new labour to a tired digestion.South.

Every mortal longs for his parade-place; would still wish, at banquets, to be master of some seat or other wherein to overtop this or that plucked goose of the neighbourhood.Carlyle.

Every movement in the skies or upon the earth proclaims to us that the universe is under government.Draper.

Every natural action is graceful.Emerson.

Every natural fact is a symbol of some spiritual fact.Emerson.

Every newly discovered truth judges the world, separates the good from the evil, and calls on faithful souls to make sure their election.Julia W. Howe.

Every new opinion, at its starting, is precisely in a minority of one.Carlyle.

Every noble crown is, and on earth will ever be, a crown of thorns.Carlyle.

Every noble life leaves the fibre of it interwoven for ever in the work of the world.Ruskin.

Every noble work is at first impossible.Carlyle.

Every novel is a debtor to Homer.Emerson.

Every offence is not a hate at first.Mer. of Ven., iv. 1.

Every one believes in his youth that the world really began with him, and that all merely exists for his sake.Goethe.

Every one bows to the bush that bields (protects) him, i.e., pays court to him that does so.Scotch Proverb.

Every one can master a grief but he that has it.Much Ado, iii. 2.

Every one complains of his memory, no one of his judgment.La Rochefoucauld.

Every one draws the water to his own mill.Proverb.

Every one excels in something in which another fails.Publius Syrus.

Every one fault seeming monstrous till his fellow-fault came to match it.As You Like It, iii. 2.

Every one finds sin sweet and repentance bitter.Danish Proverb.

Every one for himself and God for us all.Proverb.

Every one has a trial of his own: my wife is mine. Happy is he who has no other.Saying of Pittacus.

Every one is a preacher under the gallows.Dutch Proverb.

Every one is as God made him, and often a great deal worse.Cervantes.

Every one is his own worst enemy.Schefer.

Every one is judge of what a man seems, no one of what a man is.Schiller.

Every one is poorer in proportion as he has more wants, and counts not what he has, but wishes only what he has not.Manlius.

Every one is well or ill at ease according as he finds himself.Montaigne.

Every one knows best where his shoe pinches him.Proverb.

Every one knows better than he practises, and recognises a better law than he obeys.Froude.

Every one knows good counsel except him who needs it.German Proverb.

Every one of us believes in his heart, or would like to have others believe, that he is something which he is not.Thackeray.

Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.Bible.

Every one rakes the fire under his own pot.Danish Proverb.

Every one regards his duty as a troublesome master from whom he would like to be free.La Rochefoucauld.

Every one should sweep before his own door.Proverb.

Every one sings as he has the gift, and marries as he has the luck.Portuguese Proverb.

Every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.Jesus.

Every one that doeth evil hateth the light.St. John.

Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.Jesus.

Every one thinks his own burden the heaviest.Proverb.

Every one who is able to administer what he has, has enough.Goethe.

Every one would be wise; no one will become so.Feuchtersleben.

Every one would rather believe than exercise his own judgment.Seneca.

Every opinion reacts on him who utters it.Emerson.

Every other master is known by what he utters; the master of style commends himself to me by what he wisely passes over in silence.Schiller.

Every painter ought to paint what he himself loves.Ruskin.

Every passion gives a particular cast to the countenance, and is apt to discover itself in some feature or other.Addison.

Every people has its prophet.Arabian Proverb.

Every period of life has its peculiar prejudices. Whoever saw old age that did not applaud the past and condemn the present?Montaigne.

Every period of life has its peculiar temptations and dangers.J. Hawes.

Every period of life is obliged to borrow its happiness from the time to come.Johnson.

Every person who manages another is a hypocrite.Thackeray.

Every petition to God is a precept to man.Jeremy Taylor.

Every place is safe to him who lives with justice.Epictetus.

Every pleasure pre-supposes some sort of activity.Schopenhauer.

Every poet, be his outward lot what it may, finds himself born in the midst of prose; he has to struggle from the littleness and obstruction of an actual world into the freedom and infinitude of an ideal.Carlyle.

Every power of both heaven and earth is friendly to a noble and courageous activity.J. Burroughs.

Every production of genius must be the production of enthusiasm.Disraeli.

Every race has its own habitat.Knox.

Every reader reads himself out of the book that he reads.Goethe.

Every real master of speaking or writing uses his personality as he would any other serviceable material.Holmes.

Every real need is appeased and every vice stimulated by satisfaction.Amiel.

Every rightly constituted mind ought to rejoice, not so much in knowing anything clearly, as in feeling that there is infinitely more which it cannot know.Ruskin.

Every rose has its thorn.Proverb.

Every scripture is to be interpreted by the same spirit which gave it forth.Quoted by Emerson.

Every sect, as far as reason will help it, gladly uses it; when it fails them, they cry out it is matter of faith, and above reason.Locke.

Every shadow points to the sun.Emerson.

Every ship is a romantic object except that we sail in.Emerson.

Every shoe fits not every foot.Proverb.

Every shot does not bring down a bird.Dutch Proverb.

Every soo (sow) to its ain trough.Scotch Proverb.

Every species of activity is met by a negation.Goethe.

Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house a world, and beyond its world a heaven.Emerson.

Every spirit makes its house, but afterwards the house confines the spirit.Emerson.

Every step of life shows how much caution is required.Goethe.

Every step of progress which the world has made has been from scaffold to scaffold and from stake to stake.Wendell Phillips.

Every Stoic was a Stoic, but in Christendom where is the Christian?Emerson.

Every style formed elaborately on any model must be affected and strait-laced.Whipple.

Every subject’s duty is the king’s, but every subject’s soul is his own.Henry V., iv. 1.

Every tear of sorrow sown by the righteous springs up a pearl.Matthew Henry.