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Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.

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Stiff to Zigzag

  1. Stiff
  2. Still (Adjective)
  3. Still (Verb)
  4. Stimulating
  5. Sting
  6. Stink
  7. Stir
  8. Stolid
  9. Stoop
  10. Stop
  11. Storm
  12. Stormy
  13. Story
  14. Stout
  15. Straight
  16. Straighten
  17. Straightforward
  18. Strain
  19. Strange
  20. Strangely
  21. Stream
  22. Strengthening
  23. Strengthless
  24. Strenuously
  25. Stretch
  26. Strew
  27. Stricken
  28. Stride
  29. Strife
  30. Strike
  31. Striped
  32. Strive
  33. Strong
  34. Struggle
  35. Strut
  36. Stubborn
  37. Stuck
  38. Studded
  39. Study
  40. Stuff
  41. Stumble
  42. Stunning
  43. Stupid
  44. Sturdy
  45. Style
  46. Subdued
  47. Sublime
  48. Submissive
  49. Subside
  50. Substance
  51. Substantial
  52. Subtle
  53. Subtly
  54. Success
  55. Succeed
  56. Successive
  57. Sudden
  58. Suddenly
  59. Sue
  60. Suffer
  61. Suicide
  62. Sulk
  63. Sulky
  64. Sullen
  65. Sullenly
  66. Sultry
  67. Sunburnt
  68. Sunday
  69. Sunken
  70. Sunlight
  71. Superfluous
  72. Supernatural
  73. Superior
  74. Superstitious
  75. Supper
  76. Supple
  77. Suppliant
  78. Support
  79. Supreme
  80. Sure
  81. Sure-footed
  82. Surely
  83. Surge
  84. Surly
  85. Surpass
  86. Suspense
  87. Suspicion
  88. Suspicious
  89. Swallow
  90. Swarm
  91. Swart
  92. Sway
  93. Swear
  94. Sweat
  95. Sweep
  96. Sweet
  97. Swell
  98. Swerve
  99. Swift
  100. Swiftly
  101. Swim
  102. Swimmingly
  103. Swing
  104. Swish
  105. Swollen
  106. Swoon
  107. Swoop
  108. Sympathetic
  109. Symphony
  110. Systematic
  111. Talent
  112. Talk
  113. Tall
  114. Tame
  115. Tangle
  116. Tantalize
  117. Tap
  118. Taper
  119. Tarry
  120. Tart
  121. Taste (Noun)
  122. Taste (Verb)
  123. Taunts
  124. Taut
  125. Teacher
  126. Tear
  127. Tedious
  128. Teeth
  129. Tell-Tale
  130. Temper
  131. Temperate
  132. Tempestuous
  133. Temple
  134. Tempt
  135. Temptations
  136. Tempting
  137. Tenacious
  138. Tender
  139. Tenderly
  140. Tense
  141. Tensely
  142. Terrible
  143. Terrifying
  144. Terror
  145. Testimony
  146. Theatre
  147. Thick
  148. Thin
  149. Thinly
  150. Thirst
  151. Thirsty
  152. Thought
  153. Thoughtful
  154. Thoughtless
  155. Thrash
  156. Threadbare
  157. Threatening
  158. Thrill
  159. Thrive
  160. Throat
  161. Throb
  162. Throng
  163. Through
  164. Throw
  165. Thunder
  166. Thundering
  167. Thunderous
  168. Tick
  169. Tidy
  170. Tied
  171. Tight
  172. Time
  173. Timid
  174. Timorous
  175. Tinge
  176. Tingle
  177. Tinkling
  178. Tiny
  179. Tipple
  180. Tip-tilted
  181. Tip-toe
  182. Tired
  183. Tiresome
  184. Titter
  185. Title
  186. Together
  187. Toil
  188. Tolerant
  189. Tolerate
  190. Toll
  191. Tongue
  192. Tongueless
  193. Tooth
  194. Top
  195. Topple
  196. Tore
  197. Torn
  198. Torpid
  199. Tortuous
  200. Torture
  201. Toss
  202. Totter
  203. Touch
  204. Tough
  205. Tower
  206. Traceless
  207. Trackless
  208. Tractable
  209. Trailing
  210. Traitor
  211. Trample
  212. Tranquil
  213. Tranquilly
  214. Tranquilizing
  215. Transform
  216. Transforming
  217. Transient
  218. Transitory
  219. Translation
  220. Translucent
  221. Transmitted
  222. Transparent
  223. Trapped
  224. Traveler
  225. Treacherous
  226. Treading
  227. Treason
  228. Tremble
  229. Tremendous
  230. Tremor
  231. Tremulous
  232. Trepidation
  233. Trickles
  234. Tricky
  235. Tried
  236. Trifles
  237. Trifling
  238. Trill
  239. Trim
  240. Trip
  241. Trippingly
  242. Trite
  243. Triumph
  244. Triumphant
  245. Triumphantly
  246. Trivial
  247. Trodden
  248. Trot
  249. Trouble
  250. Troublesome
  251. Trudge
  252. True
  253. Trumpet
  254. Trustful
  255. Truth
  256. Truthful
  257. Tug
  258. Tumble
  259. Tuneful
  260. Tuneless
  261. Turbid
  262. Turbulent
  263. Turn
  264. Twilight
  265. Twine
  266. Twinge
  267. Twinkle
  268. Twirl
  269. Twist
  270. Twitter
  271. Typical
  272. Tyrant
  273. Ubiquitous
  274. Ugly
  275. Unabashed
  276. Unalterable
  277. Unanswered
  278. Unappetizing
  279. Unapproachable
  280. Unarmed
  281. Unasked
  282. Unattractive
  283. Unavailable
  284. Unavailing
  285. Unaware
  286. Unbecoming
  287. Unbidden
  288. Unblemished
  289. Unbounded
  290. Unbridled
  291. Uncalled
  292. Uncared
  293. Uncaressable
  294. Unceasing
  295. Unceasingly
  296. Unceremonious
  297. Uncertain
  298. Unchainable
  299. Unchangeable
  300. Unchanged
  301. Unchanging
  302. Unclean
  303. Unclose
  304. Uncoil
  305. Uncomely
  306. Uncomfortable
  307. Uncommon
  308. Uncomplaining
  309. Uncompromising
  310. Unconfined
  311. Unconquerable
  312. Unconscious
  313. Unconsciously
  314. Unconstant
  315. Uncontrollable
  316. Uncorrected
  317. Uncouth
  318. Unctuous
  319. Undefiled
  320. Understanding
  321. Understood
  322. Undimmed
  323. Undistinguishable
  324. Undisturbed
  325. Undone
  326. Undulate
  327. Unearthly
  328. Uneasy
  329. Unelastic
  330. Unemotional
  331. Unending
  332. Unerring
  333. Unexciting
  334. Unexpected
  335. Unexpectedly
  336. Unfaded
  337. Unfading
  338. Unfair
  339. Unfashioned
  340. Unfathomable
  341. Unfeeling
  342. Unfelt
  343. Unfettered
  344. Unfit
  345. Unfold
  346. Ungracious
  347. Unhappy
  348. Unharmful
  349. Unharmonious
  350. Unhealthy
  351. Unheeded
  352. Unimaginative
  353. Unintelligible
  354. Unintentional
  355. United
  356. Unity
  357. Universal
  358. Unjust
  359. Unkind
  360. Unknown
  361. Unlike
  362. Unlikely
  363. Unlovely
  364. Unlustrous
  365. Unmanageable
  366. Unmeaning
  367. Unmerciful
  368. Unmoved
  369. Unmusical
  370. Unnatural
  371. Unnoticed
  372. Unpitied
  373. Unpredestinate
  374. Unprofitable
  375. Unprofitably
  376. Unquenched
  377. Unquiet
  378. Unreal
  379. Unreasonable
  380. Unreconcilable
  381. Unremonstrant
  382. Unresponsive
  383. Unripe
  384. Unruffled
  385. Unsatiate
  386. Unscrupulous
  387. Unseasonable
  388. Unseeing
  389. Unseen
  390. Unsettle
  391. Unshaken
  392. Unshunnable
  393. Unsightly
  394. Unsordid
  395. Unsparing
  396. Unspoken
  397. Unstable
  398. Unstaid
  399. Unstained
  400. Unsteady
  401. Unsubstantial
  402. Unsullied
  403. Untasted
  404. Untenanted
  405. Unthinkable
  406. Unthrifty
  407. Untimely
  408. Untiring
  409. Untouched
  410. Untrue
  411. Untwined
  412. Untwist
  413. Unuseful
  414. Unusual
  415. Unvaried
  416. Unvexed
  417. Unwasted
  418. Unwatched
  419. Unwearied
  420. Unwelcome
  421. Unwinding
  422. Unworthy
  423. Unyielding
  424. Up
  425. Upborne
  426. Uplift
  427. Upright
  428. Uprise
  429. Uproar
  430. Upsoar
  431. Upstart
  432. Upward
  433. Useful
  434. Useless
  435. Uselessly
  436. Utility
  437. Vacant
  438. Vacantly
  439. Vagrant
  440. Vague
  441. Vaguely
  442. Vain
  443. Vainly
  444. Valiant
  445. Valor
  446. Valorless
  447. Valorous
  448. Valuable
  449. Vanish
  450. Vanity
  451. Vaprous
  452. Variable
  453. Varied
  454. Various
  455. Vary
  456. Vast
  457. Vaulted
  458. Veer
  459. Vehement
  460. Veiled
  461. Venice
  462. Venomous
  463. Venture
  464. Verse
  465. Vertical
  466. Vexed
  467. Vibrate
  468. Vice
  469. Vice-President
  470. Vicious
  471. Victorious
  472. Victory
  473. Vigilant
  474. Vigorous
  475. Vile
  476. Vindictive
  477. Violent
  478. Virgin
  479. Virginity
  480. Virtue
  481. Virtuous
  482. Visible
  483. Visitors
  484. Visits
  485. Vivid
  486. Vividness
  487. Vocal
  488. Voice
  489. Voiceless
  490. Void
  491. Volatile
  492. Voluptuous
  493. Voracious
  494. Vulgar
  495. Waddle
  496. Wag
  497. Waggle
  498. Wail (Noun)
  499. Wail (Verb)
  500. Waist
  501. Wait
  502. Wake
  503. Walk
  504. Wallow
  505. Wan
  506. Wander
  507. Wane
  508. Want
  509. Wanton
  510. War
  511. Warble
  512. Wariest
  513. Warlike
  514. Warm
  515. Warn
  516. Warrior
  517. Wary
  518. Waste
  519. Wasteful
  520. Watch
  521. Watchful
  522. Watchfulness
  523. Wave
  524. Waver
  525. Wax
  526. Wayward
  527. Weak
  528. Wealth
  529. Weary
  530. Wearily
  531. Weatherbeaten
  532. Wedge
  533. Wedlock
  534. Weep
  535. Weigh
  536. Weird
  537. Weirdly
  538. Welcome (Adjective)
  539. Welcome (Verb)
  540. Well
  541. Welter
  542. Wet
  543. Whang
  544. Wheeling
  545. Wheeze
  546. Whelmed
  547. Whet
  548. Whimper
  549. Whine
  550. Whip
  551. Whir
  552. Whirl
  553. Whisker
  554. Whisper
  555. Whistle
  556. White
  557. Whiz
  558. Whole
  559. Wholesome
  560. Whoop
  561. Wicked (Adjective)
  562. Wicked (Noun)
  563. Wide
  564. Widespread
  565. Widow
  566. Wife
  567. Wiggle
  568. Wild
  569. Wilful
  570. Willing
  571. Willingly
  572. Wily
  573. Wind
  574. Windy
  575. Wine
  576. Winged
  577. Wink
  578. Winning
  579. Winter
  580. Wintry
  581. Wipe
  582. Wisdom
  583. Wise
  584. Wish
  585. Wistfully
  586. Wit
  587. Wither
  588. Withheld
  589. Within
  590. Witless
  591. Witness
  592. Witty
  593. Wizen
  594. Woman
  595. Wonderful
  596. Wondrous
  597. Wooden
  598. Words
  599. Work
  600. World
  601. Worn
  602. Worried
  603. Worry
  604. Worship
  605. Worthless
  606. Wound
  607. Woven
  608. Wrap
  609. Wrathful
  610. Wriggle
  611. Wrinkle
  612. Writ
  613. Write
  614. Writhe
  615. Yawn
  616. Yawning
  617. Yearn
  618. Yell
  619. Yellow
  620. Yield
  621. Young
  622. Youth
  623. Youthful
  624. Zeal
  625. Zigzag