Frank J. Wilstach, comp. A Dictionary of Similes. 1916.
Richard Le Gallienne
Locks … as brown as mavis in May.Careless as the Salmon with its million young.Clear as the finest porcelain.Democracy, like an army, has a way of persuading aristocrats to lead it.Domesticated as marmalade.As exploded as the mysteries of Eleusis.Faith, like the phœnix, soars and sings.Firm as the tread of lions.Flashing like a scythe.Green as a meadow by Chaucer.Guileless as a candidate.Irregular as a toper’s walk.A little knowledge in some people is like little boys throwing stones into mysterious lakes. They make a great clatter but the silence was more wonderful.Laughed like the sun.Monotonous as mutton.Mystical as an astrological symbol.Complete in perfection as a great line in poetry, as the flight of a bird, as the curve of a falling wave.Phantasmagoric, like a mirage beyond the horizon.Precious as a Grecian vase.Proud as a young bull.Real as the stars.Repeating … like a drunken man with a tune in his head.Ruthlessly as you lop a branch.Safe as in the bank.Scintillate like a human St. Catherine wheel.Shone like an illuminated letter.Slowly filling with life as a moon with silver.Softly among the pines as a young witch gathering simples.Stirs one like a martial tune.Stubborn as the Rocky Mountains.Sweet as the sound of bells at evening.Talks like music set on fire.Tough as a telegraph wire.Twinged like a hollow tooth.Typical as the sparrow is typical of London.Useless as the leg of a man with a sprained ankle.White as a nun.White as ivory.Wonderful as a starlit sky.