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How Many Ribs Does a Man Have?

Answer – Men have 12 pairs of ribs.


Irrespective of sex, humans have 24 ribs: 12 on each side of the body. The ribs, forming the primary structure of the thoracic cage, serve to protect thoracic organs and play a crucial role in respiration.

There are twelve pairs of ribs, each articulating posteriorly with two thoracic vertebrae (vertebrae in the spine), with the exception of the first rib, which articulates solely with the first thoracic vertebra. Classified based on their attachment to the sternum, ribs fall into three groups: true (1–7), false (8–10), and floating (11–12). True ribs directly connect to the sternum by costal cartilages and are therefore called true. False ribs are 8, 9, and 10 and are called false because they are indirectly attached to the sternum. Floating ribs (11–12) lack direct articulation with the sternum and only attach to the vertebrae in the back.

 A labeled diagram of the thoracic cage indicates the positions of the ribs and sternum
There are twelve pairs of ribs in humans, categorized as true, false, or floating ribs based on their attachment to the sternum.