
week three assignment

Good Essays

Week Three Assignment

INF 340 Business Systems Analysis

April 7, 2010

Assume you are preparing the customer satisfaction questionnaire. What types of questions would you include? Prepare five questions that you would ask. How was your overall experience at Hoosier Burger? How long did you wait from the time you ordered, till you received your burger? On a scale of one to ten, one being the best, and ten being the worst, how would rate the service of our employees? Will you come back to Hoosier Burger, why or why not? Would you recommend Hoosier Burger to your friends and family, why or why not (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2009)? What types of questions would you ask the waiters? …show more content…

I do believe these documents will not be available due to the fact that the primary customer complaint is the waiting time for their orders. If this information was readily available the Mallankamps would fix this issue themselves (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2009). The employee satisfaction surveys will not be available due to the Mallankamps using a more of an “ole buddy” style of hiring. Unfortunately there will most likely be a person employed that would be better off separated from Hoosier Burger, and finding employment in a more satisfying environment. This is the main reason for the pre-interview observation (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2009). What modern requirements determination methods are appropriate for this project? Joint Application Design would be bringing all the users of the system together to determine what improvements need to made. This method will work the best for the Hoosier Burger project due to the size of the company, the number of employees, and the accessibility to all the employees on a one on one basis. This is feasible, because the underlying problem to customer dissatisfaction’s are the waiting times (Valacich, George, & Hoffer, 2009). From reading the text it is fairly obvious the problems are all pointing to the inventory control as the culprit; however, one must dig a little deeper to determine if the sole problem

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